Chapter 26

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"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" I whispered as I backed away.

Without even think I rammed in the bathroom door when I back up.

I hear a groan.

"Shit." I whispered.

Then Paul sits up.

"Who are you! What are you doing in my house!" He says as he gets up.
"Okay hold up. This was a misunderstanding."
"Get out of my house!"

He yelled, then he reached for something in his nightstand.

I grabbed my suitcase and started running.

I got a third of the way down the stairs when I reached the last step a sharp pain shot through my shoulder.

I yelped in pain.

Paul shot me.

He fucking shot me in my right shoulder.

I didn't quite running.

Adrenaline was pumping and I ran out the door.

I hear another gun shot that hit the front door right beside my head.

I got into Jamie's car.

Started it.

And zoomed off.

Half way home my shoulder started aching so badly.

I could only drive with my left hand.

The rest of the drive was hell.

But I finally made it home at 6:30am.

I burst into the house.

"Jamie! Jamie! Jamieeee!" I cried out.

She comes running out in a really big shirt that didn't belong to her.

I collapsed on the floor holding my shoulder.

The pain was over baring.

Jamie reached me at the floor.

"NASH!" She yelled.

Really Jamie?

I mentally rolled my eyes.

Nash came running out shirtless, and kneels down beside Jamie.

"Lizzie what happened?!" Jamie shouts.

I was delirious, I couldn't think straight. I just mumbled.

"Lizzie we need to take you to the hospital." Jamie says as she grabs my arm. I rip my arm away and shake my head violently.

I finally make out words.

"Please hospital....aid...kit...bathroom."

I finally got out.

Jamie nodded and she sprung up and ran to the bathroom. I was about to lay on the ground when Nash caught me. I laid in his lap until Jamie returned with the first aid kit.

She opened up the kit and grabbed the cleaning alcohol. Then she unzipped my jacket and removed my hand from the wound. It was bleed horribly. I was still in Nash's lap and he was holding my not so bloody hand.

"Ready Lizzie?" Jamie asked.
I nodded and closed my eyes and squeezed Nash's hand.

Jamie poured the alcohol directly on the bullet wound.

I couldn't help but scream in pain.

The pain then sizzled down to something I can handle. Tears streamed down my face.

"Nash we have to see if the bullet went through her shoulder."
Jamie looked at me and I nodded.

Nash let go of my hand and held up my wounded shoulder.

Jamie sighed with relief.

"Okay Liz, the bullet did go through."
I managed a little smile.

Jamie then put two gauze on the front and back of my shoulder. Then wrapped my shoulder in some sort of white tape. Which was done in my room because I had to take my shirt off.

The pain was almost completely gone.

But then we had to put it in a sling that Nash made from one of my old t-shirts.

Jamie slowly lifted my should and I yelped in pain.

Then we finally got my arm into a sling so it's sitting at a 90 degree angle.

It was 8:00am and I slept until 6:00pm.

When I got up, Nash left and Jamie stayed home from work.

I was in for an interrogation.

She was in the kitchen by the dinning table drinking coffee.

"Hey." I said as I walked out.
She turned and looked at me with big eyes.
I started tearing up. "I really screwed up Jamie. Really bad." I say as I started crying.

She came over and gave my a side hug as she guided me to the couch.

"Tell me what happened." Jamie said.
"Don't tell anyone okay?"
She nodded.

Then I told her my plan.

All she did was sit there and stare at me in disbelief. After I finished she was speechless for about 5 minutes.

"Okay, I'm in." Jamie said.
I looked at her with wide eyes. "Um what? No you aren't."
"Yes I am Jamie. You're injured and you can't do this alone. In one week we will go. You're not going without me."
I rolled my eyes.
"Three days." I say.
She sighed and said fine.

God, what have I gotten into.

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