Chapter 9

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"The one match was, Matthew Espinosa." He pauses and turns toward Matt. "Mr. Espinosa if you still want to go through with the transplant here is a pamphlet, after you read it come find me." The doctor nods while handing Matt a pamphlet about kidney transplants and walks out of the room.

All eyes are on Matt.

"Damn..." Nash says.

"What are you going to do, Matt." Jamie asks.

"I don't know yet.." He looks down at the pamphlet and sighs. "Let me read over this and think." he smiles and walks out of the room.

"This is what I wanted to avoid." I says as Shawn and Taylor follow Matt out of the room and it's just me, Nash, Jamie, and Cameron.

"Wanted to avoid what? Us trying to save your life?" Jamie angrily.
"Yes! Jamie! Now Matt has to either donate his kidney or look like a dick for not so yeah I'm pretty upset that you put him in that position!" I yell. "I didn't want him to feel obligated to donate an organ..."
"Lizzie we didn't force him to get tested. He wanted to, that has to count for something." Jamie explains.
"Something that also counts is the look on his face when the doc said his name as the only match."
Jamie looked down at her feet.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, it was Nash's.

"You'll get through this, with or without Matts kidney. I'll go talk to him and tell him you won't be made if he decides not too." He smiles. I nod. And then he comes down and kisses my check.

A chill runs down my back.

He walks over to Jamie.

"Come on let's go get Matt."

Jamie and Nash walk out of the room, just leaving me and Cameron.

"I know you're angry right now, but I just want you to know that I'm always here for you." I here him sigh as he starts walking.

He turns around.
"Stay with me..please?"
He smiles and walks over.

I lift up the covers and I move over to another half of the bed and he lays with my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat.

This felt so right.

I started to drift asleep...

I was woken up my Cameron. But he wasn't in bed anymore. He somehow snaked his way out of my bed without disturbing my sleep.

Shit. That's gotta change.

I blink and rub my eyes. "What's up?"

Nash, Cameron, Matt, and Jamie are in my room.

"Taylor and Shawn had to leave, but they said good luck and I gave them your number so they can keep in touch." Nash says.

I smile. "Thank you."

I look over towards Matt.

"I have decided to go ahead with the transplant." Matt says and smiles.

It feels like the weight of death has been lifted off my shoulders.

Honestly, death we VERY heavy. (A/N that was me trying to be funny, not working? Damn.)

"Are you sure Matt?"
"Yeah Liz, I want you out of here."
I smiled so big, I don't think I can ever repay him.
"Have you notified the doc?"
"Nope I will though, want me to go get him?"
"I got it."

I hit my nurse call button and within the next 5 mins the nurse was in my room.

"Can you get my doctor and tell him I'm getting a kidney?"
"Right away Miss. Anderson."

She says as she leaves the room.

The doctor came in and explained the procedure and the risks and Matt and I were still up for the task. The doc said he could fit us in 2 hours from now, he took Matt to get him prepped. Cameron and Jamie went with Matt and Nash stayed with me.

As they poked every needle they could into my body Nash was there me to hold his hand.

2 hours went by way quicker than I imagined.

All I remembered next was the doctor putting me to sleep in the OR.

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