Forging Paths PT. 1

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It had been a few good years since she'd stepped foot in her home city, but nothing had changed, except for the weather. It was Mid-December with a temperature of -5 degrees and snow covered the city as far as she could see. She was glad she'd decided to wear her insulated combat gear. Crouching down on the gargoyle in front of her, she rested her elbows on her knees, interlocking her fingers in front of her mouth, as cautious eyes watched the nightlife in front of her. It didn't matter how many times she left or came back, she still hated Gotham City with a bright burning passion, and nothing would ever change it. Sitting quietly for a few more moments, she tipped her head to the side when she heard his boot hit the ledge. "I figured I'd find you up here." A smooth voice spoke out and she twisted her head and glanced over her shoulder, a shit-eating grin playing at her lips.

"Jay-bird. It took you long enough, baby brother." He took his helmet off and stood beside her, staring down at the city. The two of them had been through hell and high water together, and the moments when they lapsed into silence spoke all that needed to. He was quiet for a moment before speaking.

"I assume since you're in Gotham, you got my message?" She rolled her eyes and quipped back.

"Nah, just missed Gotham and the Big-Bat." Rolling her head backwards to look up at him she raised an eyebrow. "So how is Daddy Dearest? He know I'm in 'his city' yet?" Jason snorted and responded.

"He's still a major rager pain in the ass. And to answer your other question, probably." She smirked at his answer, then remembering why she was called, her face dropped into a blank.

"So why am I here Jason? It's not for a family reunion, I know that much." He inhaled deeply, nodding his head.

"Yeah, I know, and I wouldn't have asked you if it wasn't important. But right now, Gotham's gangs and the League are on a spiral towards full scale war, and we don't have the capacity to deal with it. Bruce was even considering calling in the JL, but I asked him to let me try something." Her face morphed into a mixture of anger and disgust.

"So, you brought me here to play peacemaker with the League and gangs, all the while working with Bruce? Hell. No." She rose to her feet and turned towards the ladder on the building. Gloved fingers wrapped around her wrist in a firm yet loose grip. She looked down at the fingers then up at Jason. Steel blue eyes bore into teal orbs. "Jason. Let me go. Now." Jason raised his head, imposing his height more than what it already was, and shook it.

"No (Y/N). Not until you agree to help me. We need your help. I need your help. This is bigger than your bitch fit with Bruce. And as much as I love you, I need you to put it away and work with him so we can end this before people get hurt or killed." Inhaling sharply through her nose (Y/N) once again looked at the open city. The fingers tightened ever-so-slightly and her eyes met his again. "Please (Y/N). If not for Gotham, then do it for me." She sighed heavily, eyes rolling as she groaned out.

"Alright. Alright! I'll help. Just stop making puppy eyes at me." Jason's fingers loosened and he let go of her wrist.

"Grand. Meet us at the house and we'll talk more."

He turned to leave, but (Y/N) reached out and, where his armor met his throat, she gripped. Pulling him down till they were nose to nose, she pulled the darkest glare she could manage and spoke heavily. "But if he says one word to me about my morality or my code, after the mission is complete, I will bust your ass like a bitch. You hear me, little brother?" His eyes widened a fraction and he nodded rapidly.

"Yeah. Totally. I got it." (Y/N) released him and began walking back towards the ladder.

"See you at home Jay-bird." He called out to her just as you reached the ladder.

"Do you still hate Gotham City that much (Y/N)?" She turned around and leveled him with a smile.

"Only as much as I hate Bruce, Jason." Next thing Jason knew, she was gone. He glanced back towards the city and ran his hands over his face, preparing for the shit storms about to take place in the Wayne household.

He reached for his cellphone, unlocked it and scrolled through his contacts. Hitting call, he waited, the person picking up after two rings.


"She's back." The person on the phone exhaled in surprise.

"You're joking? You got (Y/N) back in Gotham City? How? How did you manage that Jay?" Jason rolled his eyes, biting back a smart ass comment. He and (Y/N) had been best friends since he showed up at the manor. If anyone know how to work his older sister over, it was him. Instead he just answered with,

"I've got skills Grayson. Skills you obviously ain't got. Be there when she gets there. We gotta keep the storm from breaking too early." Dick made a sound of confirmation and responded.

"Will do. See you later Jay-bird."

"Uh huh. Whatever."

Hanging up, Jason looked towards the city once more. Sirens could be heard as well as the usual thugs on the street corner. Turning to the ladder that his older sister used he started at it.

"This is gonna be a long fucking week." He muttered as he slid down.

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