No Fear! One Fear!

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They crowded around the Batcomputer, staring up at the screen; Dick motioned to it, turning his head to Bruce. "Why don't we just storm the lair? I mean, me and the others could block the exits while you deal with Killer Croc." The others nodded at his words, but their father shook his head.

"It's too dangerous for you all to be involved." Jason scoffed, cracking his knuckles.

"We've all taken on dangerous things before Bruce. Besides, I think we can all agree, I've taken the worst. Hell, what's Croc gonna do? Eat us?" Tim blinked, turning to Bruce.

"Wait, does Croc actually eat people?" Jason nudged him in the ribs, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Not twigs like you he doesn't. He actually wants something that would be considered a meal." Tim glared at him, shoving him to the side. Damian and Dick watched the two of them begin to fight, before Dick sighed and looked at Bruce who was still staring at the screen.

"So, what exactly is in Croc's lair, that you need?" Bruce clicked a button, an image of a plant appearing on the screen.

"There's a particular flower growing in there that has the components I need to formulate an antidote to Joker's toxin." At this, Jason stopped rubbing his fingers into Tim's scalp, holding him still in the headlock.

"I thought we had a cure to that pasty bastard's toxin?" Bruce grunted.

"We did. But Scarecrow helped make a new one, and the only way to make a cure is to get enough of the pollen from the flowers."

"And there is no other alternative, father?" Damian looked up at Bruce, only to see his father shaking his head.

"None, whatsoever." The others turned back to the screen, then Bruce sighed, his voice lowering to a murmur. "I wonder if I should call Clark or Diana for this. It'd certainly be easier with their help." Any response they had was cut off by the sound of footsteps coming their way; they turned to see their older sister moving towards them, a briefcase in her hands. She moved beside Jason and Tim, shoving the two away and placing the briefcase in front of her father.

"You owe me a new suit for this." She gestured to the ripped fabric on her arms and legs. "I'm actually glad Lucius convinced me to go with the tri-weave." She rolled her shoulders. "Croc almost gave me a run for my money tonight." They looked at her in shock before turning their attention to Bruce, who was popping open the briefcase. Inside lay two neat rows of vials, all glowing a neon red; Bruce picked on up and turned to her, his eyes wide.

"Did you go into his lair and get the pollen (Y/N)?" She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No dad, I knocked on the entrance to the sewer and asked him to go get it for me." She gave him a 'no shit' look. "What do you think Sherlock?" He pulled a frown, shaking his head.

"That was extremely dangerous (Y/N). You could've died." (Y/N) scoffed, a haughty tone in her voice.

"Awfully bold of you to assume that I'm afraid of dying." The others stared at her in shock, then Dick leaned towards her, a hand resting on her shoulders.

"What do you mean (Y/N)?" She shrugged him off, murmuring,

"No touchy-touchy." (Y/N) ran a hand down her face, rubbing away the fatigue. "It's exactly what it sounds like Dickie. I have no fear of dying."

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