Wanna See My Special Talent?

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The dull throbbing in her lower abdomen woke her up, and she grunted as she opened her eyes. She was met by the sterile white ceiling and matching walls as she looked around; her eyes landed on her father propped up in the seat next to her. (Y/N) grunted again and reached over a hand, gently placing it on his knee.

"Dad...Dad...Daddy...Bruce...Bruce Wayne." His eyes snapped open, immediately going to her, and he leaned forward.

"Hey sweetheart." He took her hand, his thumb caressing the back of it. "How do you feel?" (Y/N) huffed a laugh and prodded the area of pain.

"Like I got stabbed...again." Bruce laughed at her.

"Technically you did get stabbed. But not by a criminal." She inhaled deeply.

"Appendectomy, right?" He nodded and she looked around the room. "Where is everybody?"

"They went home earlier this morning. They'll be back later today." She nodded.

"Cool...Can I leave now? I hate hospitals." Bruce chuckled and shook his head.

"Not until the doctor says you can." (Y/N) grimaced.

"Well go use your, 'I'm Bruce Wayne and I make more than you're worth' persona and get me out of here. I want to go home." He chuckled again and squeezed her hand.

"(Y/N). You can leave after a day or two, but only when the doctor says so." She rolled her eyes, sighing.

"Fine...but I'm still not happy."

"When are you ever?" She reared back and glared at him.

"I'm happier than you Mr.-I-Can't-Smile-Or-Else-My-Face-Will-Crack." When she finished, she stuck out her tongue, causing him to laugh; she started to laugh with him when the pain in her side pulsed and she grunted. Bruce stopped laughing, his face morphing in concern.

"Are you alright (Y/N)?" (Y/N) nodded and rubbed her side gently.

"My side is hurting." Bruce nodded and leaned over, pushing the nurses aid button on the bed. After a few minutes, a young man walked in; he saw (Y/N) and smiled.

"Ah Ms. Wayne, you're awake." He motioned to her hand at her side. "I'm assuming you want some pain meds?"

"You would assume correctly." He snorted and moved beside her bed.

"Once I check everything over, I can get you some aspirin. Would that be okay?" She nodded and let him check her over; he put his stethoscope around his neck and nodded. "Everything seems to be alright." He paused and eyed her. "May I look at the stiches and bandages?" She nodded and leaned up, letting him move her gown to the side as he checked them. "If you don't mind me saying, you are in excellent physical condition Ms. Wayne. How do you manage it?" (Y/N) shrugged nonchalantly.

"I...work out." He huffed a laugh and moved to the door.

"I'll go get those aspirin for you."

"Thank you." Bruce and (Y/N) watched as he stepped out of the door and into the hallway, and she threw her head back. "If I don't get pain meds in the next ten minutes, I'm going to lose my mind." Bruce eyed her.

"How are you a vigilante who can take bullets and stab wounds, but something like this is painful?" (Y/N) glared at him.

"How bout you mind your own business?" Bruce snorted and shook his head before going back to his book.

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