It's As Real As You And Me

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"Do we have to get out of bed today?" he groaned, silencing the alarm that had been snoozed at least three times before. "I don't wanna get out of bed today."

She snorted at him, rolling rather slowly to face his bedside. "I don't think we have to." She said. "We're old. We can do whatever we want."

He thought for a moment, old eyes trying to focus on the woman beside him; but without his glasses he couldn't see a damn thing. "Breakfast at Pop's?"

"That sounds wonderful," she replied, rising from the bed. "I'm showering first."

"Oh no you don't!" he retorted, trying to hurry after her and she laughed, pushing him back onto the bed.

"Stop that, Kyle, before you pop your hip outta place again."

"Ah, it'll pop back in, (Y/N). Quit worrying."

(Y/N) frowned at him, pointing, "You keep on and I'll talk the kids into putting us into an old folks' home so I can keep an eye on you better."

"You wouldn't do that," Kyle griped. "We'd lose the only independence we've got, and you don't wanna do that."

They glared at each other for a minute before smiles split across their faces and they fell into laughter, pressing their foreheads together.

"I love you, Kyle Rayner."

He gently raised a hand, caressing her cheek. "And I love you more, (Y/N) Rayner." Pecking her lips three times, he pulled away and she helped him to his feet.

"C'mon. Let's go get ready." She said and he gasped dramatically.

"Well, Missus Rayner, you want to fool around in the shower? At our age?" he teased, and she rolled her eyes.

"God, it's been like seven decades and you're still the biggest skirt chasing dork ever."

Kyle grinned at her. "I try."


"Did KJ call you back like he said he was going too?"

"Mhm," he answered, cutting into the waffles on his plate. "Spoke to him last night. Said he'd call again after he and Thomas get back from Vermont with Sophia and the other grandkids." He looked at her, putting the fork in his mouth. "Martha Ann call you about Devin?"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "Yes. He's gotten in trouble with GCPD again." She waved it off, picking up her coffee cup. "I've half a mind to tell her to send our grandson to Jason and let him sort that boy out."

Kyle snorted. "Jason would wear that kid like a slipper."

"That's what he needs." She shot back. "This is the second time in a month that he's been caught shoplifting. Mark my words, husband of mine, that boy's a kleptomaniac and if Martha Ann doesn't do something about it, he's going to get worse."

He placed a hand on hers. "You're getting worked up again. Relax."

"How many times have I told you not to tell me to relax?"

"I don't know, how many times have I not listened?"


"Old lady."

"I swear I've never seen two elderly people more in love and so at odds with one another than I have you two." They glanced up, seeing Stacy with the coffee pot and another plate of eggs and bacon. "Refills?"

(Y/N) smiled and held out her cup. "Thanks Stacy."

"Of course!" she looked at her. "You two going anywhere after this?"

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