Forging Paths PT. 5

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Dick stood off to the side next to Jason as he put on his uniform. Glancing up towards (Y/N) walking over he turned to Jason.

"Do you really think it was a good idea to bring (Y/N) in?" Jason peered at him from the corner of his eye as he adjusted his arm guards.

"To help fight? Yes. To get her and the old man to reconcile? No." Dick lowered his head and stared at his hands.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking." Jason slammed the locker door closed, making Dick jump and glance at him.

"Look Dick, I'm gonna be real with you for few minutes. I know that as the oldest, you take it upon yourself to make sure everyone is in the right place and that were all connecting, and we appreciate it. But (Y/N) and Bruce? It's not going to happen anytime soon. She's got so much rage and resentment inside her; it makes my little bitch fit with Bruce look minute. She's not going to let any of that go until she's buried six feet under." Dick stared at Jason and inhaled deeply before nodding his head.

"It's my fault; I should've noticed (Y/N) going through it all when she was younger. But I was so concerned with making Bruce and everyone else happy that I didn't even see it." Jason placed a hand on Dick's shoulder causing him to look up at him.

"It's not your fault Dick. (Y/N) didn't let anyone in for a long time, not even me. She learned early on how to hide it all and paint a smile on her face. But I can tell you, she appreciates everything you tried to do for her." Dick smiled as (Y/N) reached them.

"Am I interrupting something?" The three of them laughed.

"Nah big sis, just some man talk." (Y/N) stared at Jason before responding.

"That can be interpreted so many different ways. I'm hoping it's not what I'm thinking." Dick reached over and thumped her on the forehead.

"Mind out of the gutter little sister; we keep our locker room talk strictly to the locker rooms." (Y/N) snorted at him. "Moving on. What kind of costume is that (Y/N)? There are no details at all." (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry, let me just grab my scaly green panties. Oh wait never mind, let me get the suit with the golden feathers and the high collar." Jason snorted as Dick began pouting and grumbling a mixture of, 'my suit was cool, stop hating, it was also the 80s so you can't really blame me.' "I don't need a fancy suit to take criminals down Dick. Solid black allows me to be stealthy." Jason nodded his head in agreement.

"She's got a point Golden-boy." Dick waved his hands and rose to walk over towards Tim and Damian, who were currently in the middle of an argument about what was better: Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. (Y/N) walked over to her old motorcycle and sat down, turning the key in the ignition and starting it up. Jason stood beside her. "I saw the two of you. Everything good?" She stared at him from under her mask.

"Dandy." She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on the handlebars. "Oh yeah, Jason?" He looked at her.

"Yeah?" She smiled at him. He didn't like that smile, it meant he was in trouble.

"I hope you can run fast kid-brother. Because as soon as this is over, I'm coming to find you." With that, she was gone, speeding out of the tunnel and out into the city. Jason stood for a few moments before turning around and walking towards his own bike.

"I fuckin' hate my life."

(Y/N) parked her bike in an alley before grappling up to the ledge of the building. She ran across the rooftops until she came to the edge of the last, before a set of warehouses sat before her. Crouching down, she pulled out her binoculars and began scanning the area.

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