What A Flashy Romance

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Straight Outta The Gotham Library — What A Flashy Romance

She watched the two of them joke around before she scoffed and walked over to her father. "Does he have to be here?" Bruce didn't look at her as he typed away on the Batcomputer.

"He came over to see Dick, (Y/N). Stop acting like a kid and act like a grown-up." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him.

"I'm not acting like a kid, dad. I'm acting like an adult who really dislikes her older brother's best friend."

"Why do you two even dislike each other? Did you two just not get along well?"

"Have you met Wally? He's practically Dick 2.0, just more annoying." Bruce's response was cut off by Wally.

"Sticks and stones, Your Highness." (Y/N) turned, directing her glare at him.

"Oh, go shove it speedster." A smirk worked its way on his face, and he leaned forward.

"I think you're just jealous of my speed." (Y/N) barked a sarcastic laugh and placed her hands on her hips.


"The lady doth protest too much methinks."

"At least my brain cells move faster than yours."

"And whose to say they don't?"

"Hmm, probably the person with more degrees than you could ever earn in your entire life."

"At least I earned my degrees without my parent's money." The cave went silent at his comeback, and (Y/N) felt as though she'd been slapped in the face; she stepped forward, her tone threatening.

"Excuse me? What did you just say to me?" Wally crossed his arms and nodded at her.

"You heard me. You act all spoiled and entitled, and it's solely because of your dad's money." She blinked and he continued. "Perhaps if you gained some humility and thought about people who were less fortunate than you, you'd be better off. But the truth is, you just act like a spoiled little brat who stamps her feet when she doesn't get what she wants." (Y/N) felt the air disappear from her lungs and all she could do was blink. Dick nudged Wally, who in turn looked at him and nodded; the two of them took off out of the cave, leaving (Y/N) with the rest of the family. Each of them watched as (Y/N) walked numbly to her bike, climbing on it; Bruce walked over and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't take it to heart (Y/N)." She shook his hand off her shoulder and adjusted her cowl.

"I'm going to sleep at the apartment in the East Side tonight." She looked at him. "I really don't feel like seeing him again tonight." Bruce nodded and watched her leave before pressing a button on his cowl.

"You were out of line tonight Wally. Don't let it happen again."

"Yes sir." The line cut and he turned to Tim and Damian.

"C'mon, we have patrol." The two of them climbed on their bikes as Bruce climbed into the Batmobile, and they left the cave.

A Few Hours Later:

(Y/N) stepped out of the shower, picking up the towel and drying off before wrapping it around her and walking into the kitchen; she pulled out a water bottle from the refrigerator, taking a few sips before listening as the sound of a speedster coming into her living room echoed through the kitchen. She stepped into the living room seeing Wally pulling down the red cowl around his face; she watched the bluish lighting fade and then she walked up to him. He saw her coming and gave her a smile. "Hey (Y/N), I'm-" She cut him off as she squeezed the water bottle in his face, dousing him in water; he blinked at her then turned his face to the side and spit out the water that was in his mouth. He turned back to her and tipped his head. "Okay...I kinda deserved that one." (Y/N) huffed and put her hands on her hips.

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