Archangel's Betrayal PT. 1

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(Y/N) Wayne was many things: Daughter to Bruce Wayne, younger sister to two brothers, older sister to two brothers, high-school valedictorian, and, current valedictorian at Gotham University. However, there was one thing she was not, and that was a vigilante. (Y/N) had zero interest in being like her family, in the aspect of dressing up and fighting crime; she had more important things to do: maintain her position at college, maintain her position in Gotham's socialite society, and maintain her position as one of Gotham's newest and most notorious crime bosses, Archangel.

The first time (Y/N) became Archangel, was the week after she discovered that her friend, Oliver, was murdered in Penguin's Iceberg Lounge. Apparently, he had been struggling with money, and got tangled in the wrong business, which ultimately resulted in his death. (Y/N) didn't play in the family business, but she knew how to fight; Bruce had made sure of that, and that's what gave her the ability and strength to find Oliver's killers. (Y/N) waited until everyone had left the cave and proceeded to 'borrow' an extra suit; plain black, but tactical and protected, and she left for the Iceberg Lounge. Staying out of sight was easy enough, but avoiding her family was much more difficult. Twice she had passed Damian and Jason, but thankfully they hadn't noticed her, too preoccupied with a few of Two-Face's thugs. (Y/N) slicked through back alleys until she came to the lounge, and she kneeled on a roof across from it and watched people enter and leave. I still can't believe Oliver was mixed up with Penguin's group...just what was he in to? (Y/N) stared at the entrance and steeled her nerves before dropping down the side of the building and walking to the front. A bouncer stood at the front of the club and stopped her.

"Name?" (Y/N)'s heart dropped when she realized she wasn't on the list. Thinking fast, she said his name.

"Oliver." The bouncer's eyes narrowed, but he let her in, and she stepped into the building. It looked rather classy, and people from all backgrounds were there. She crossed into the main room and she swore a pen dropped, as everyone turned to see the suited girl. Immediately, she noticed a few thugs motion towards her and she moved to sit at the bar; a woman walked up to her.

"What can I get you?" (Y/N) looked through the slits in her mask and nodded to the bottle of Goldschläger sitting behind her. The woman turned and saw what she was motioning to and started grabbing the bottle and a shot glass. When she finished pouring, she placed it in front of her. "Want anything to chase it?" (Y/N) shook her head and knocked back the shot, feeling the burning liquor go down and send warmth through her veins. The woman looked impressed. "Not many women can knock back shots like you can. You obviously know what you're doing." She nodded. "What do you want?" (Y/N) met her eyes and spoke absentmindedly.



"Oliver Simmington." The woman's eyes widened a fraction, but (Y/N) caught it. She leaned forward on her elbows. "Your eyes just widened. Means you know him, and what happened to him. Talk." The woman glanced nervously towards the thugs from earlier, and (Y/N) waited for the inevitable. A few seconds later, a hand rested on her shoulder and someone spoke.

"You're gonna need to come with us." (Y/N) turned to the man who gripped her shoulder, and her eyes scanned the room. Too many for me to take on all at once...I should probably wait until we get somewhere secluded. (Y/N) nodded and rose to her feet, allowing the group to lead her. A few minutes later, she was being shoved out to the side of an alley. She shifted to rise to her feet and a gun pointed in her face; she narrowed her eyes at it. 9mm...Bullets travel 1180 feet per second...I'd be dead before I could react...I have to wait. A man stepped around the gunman and he tipped his head.

"So...Who are you supposed to be? A new Bat-freak?" The others laughed and (Y/N) stayed silent. "So, you're the silent type huh? Like the Big-Bat himself?" Laughter echoed again, and she spoke sarcastically.

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