My Brother's Best Friend Is The One For Me

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Being the middle child and also the only girl in the Batfamily meant two things:

1. She had four brothers that treated her like a porcelain doll, despite the fact that she could throw a punch at 336 PSI.


2. She followed an unspoken rule that Dick and Jason's friends were off limits when it came to dating.

In all, neither of those things were major problems. She'd learned at a young age how to avoid Dick and Jason's overbearing-protective-brother-modes, and Tim and Damian were younger, so she didn't have to worry about them. The second one was also avoidable—most of her older brothers' friends were the same, and she wasn't around most of them to develop any feelings.

Well, there was Wally, but it was just a crush. A stupid, little school-girl crush—that she'd never really grown out of—that didn't matter in the slightest. Except whenever Dick brought him over to the house and she had to pretend that sitting next to him didn't make her heart race like she'd run a mile.

And the most annoying thing about the whole crush is that she couldn't tell if Wally was ever interested in her or not. Most of Dick's friends, Garth, Kyle, Roy, they treated her like a little sister—hell, they even said "Love you lil sis!" to her regularly. And yet, Wally didn't. Now, there was the occasional head pat, but even that was an affectionate gesture that siblings and SO's did all the time. It was infuriating, and so was Wally—but she was going to sort it all out the next time he came over because the worst thing he could say was "No", and either she needed to hear that...or "Yes".


Normal Sundays for the Wayne household usually meant Ultimate Waffle Breakfast and sitting on your ass all day until patrol—it was the one day of the week where they could do anything and nothing and didn't have to stick to schedules. Everyone loved Sundays, especially (Y/N), because it meant that all of her family was home, even Jason (who tried to deny that he enjoyed coming home to hang out, but if that mile long grin was any help, he was lying). And while everyone was home, that usually meant that everybody's friends were coming over too.


She swiped the syrup out of Jason's hand when he swung it back around, grinning at him when he glared at her.

"I was gonna use that, (Y/N)," he griped, and she shrugged, uncapping the bottle.

She tipped it over and watched the syrup lazily pour out of the container onto her waffles.

"You were taking too long." Her eyes twinkled with humor. "I guess you were as...slow as molasses."

While most of the table groaned at her terrible joke, Dick snorted into his milk, causing it to splatter on his plate and across the table.

"Nice one," he coughed, wiping his face and the dark oak surface.

(Y/N) bowed dramatically. "Well, I did learn from the best." When Dick's face lit up, she turned to Alfred and smiled. "Alfie, thank you for teaching me your ways."

The old butler merely tipped his head, a hidden smile crossing his lips at the way the eldest son's jaw went slack. She turned her attention to Bruce who was quietly chewing, eyes following along the research paper she'd asked him to check out.

"Dad, what's on your agenda for today?"

He swallowed and flicked a line out with a red pen, etching his own comment in the margin. "Lucius has a few ideas about some new gadgets he wanted to run by me." Another line went out. "I'll call him after breakfast." Bruce looked at her. "You?"

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