Archangel's Betrayal PT. 3

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"You're out your fuckin' mind if you think I'm giving up that much territory Archangel!" Her eyes narrowed at the short man who was fuming, and she leaned back in her seat.

"Cobblepot, either you give it up, or I take it. By force." Her eyes flicked to Two-Face. "You move your operations back into the old courthouse and stay in that neighborhood, and we won't have a problem."

"Well I do!" She turned her eyes back to Penguin.

"And I don't care. I told you six months ago that I wanted you out of South Gotham. You should've gone by now." He went quiet, still angered and Black Mask spoke up.

"So, if you just came to say that, why did you come?" (Y/N) rose from her seat, watching the three men tense in front of her; she spoke cold and harsh.

"I came to warn you three. I am not joking when I tell you I want you gone. If, by sundown on Friday, you three aren't out of South Gotham, I will raise hell in your territories and put bullets in all of you." She walked to the door and grabbed the doorknob, stopping and speaking. "This is your final evacuation warning gentlemen. Don't fuck it up." She left, and the echo of the slammed door reverberated in all of them.

When she arrived back at the nightclub, the dancers and civilians had gone home, and she walked an empty room. Gunther was sitting at the bar scrolling through information but turned when he heard her armored boots clicking on the floor.

"How'd the meeting go?" (Y/N) removed her mask and went around the bar and pulled the bottle of Goldschläger out, pouring them shots. She placed his in front of him and downed hers.

"Pretty much how you said it would." He smirked and tossed his back, then scrunched up his face and coughed; the sight made her chuckle.

"We've been drinking alcohol since we were sixteen. How have you not gotten used to it yet?" He glared at her.

"Well I'm sorry Ms. Alcoholic, I like to be sober for most of my public appearances." (Y/N) tossed her head back and her laughter echoed through the room.

"It was one-time Gunther."

"Yeah and I thought your dad was gonna lose it when you told Daniel to go fuck himself." They shared a laugh and she nodded.

" was pretty mad at me." She went silent and Gunther observed her.

"Thinking about how angry he's going to be when he discovers who you really are?" Her eyes met his and he found his answer. He opened his mouth to speak when the dome above them shattered. Immediately they pulled their masks on and readied themselves. She turned to him.

"Moment of truth."

"More like moment when we get our asses kicked." (Y/N) glanced over and spoke offendedly.

"Hey, I can hold my own against them." He huffed.

"Hardly." She rolled her eyes and shoved his shoulder before climbing over the bar.

"Just get ready."

"I am." The two of them waited and eventually, three figures dropped into the nightclub. He stood in the middle of the other two, them back a few feet. (Y/N) pushed the button on the inside of her gauntlet that distorted her voice and walked forward, her arms outspread, welcoming them.

"Welcome to the Seraphim's Sanctuary gentlemen." She pointed back to the bar. "Bartenders went home, but I'm not so bad at it. Can I get you guys a drink?" The two behind him snorted, but his face remained stoic. She dropped her hands. "I'll take that as a no." (Y/N) moved back to the bar and sat on a stool. "So, what can I do for you tonight?" He stepped forward.

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