These Words You Should Always Remember: To You, My Heart I Surrender

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There were the occasional sounds of fists meeting faces and shins hitting sides echoing in her ears, but she paid them no mind, eyes trained on the screen before her. She was content to let her brother and oldest friend beat the ever-living shit out of each other if it meant they'd eventually put their feelings aside and make up. Of course, it was a longshot pipe dream and one not so easily reached—she could hope though.

Over the sound of the continual fighting came footsteps, followed by, "Aunt (Y/N). How's it hangin'?"

Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled at her second nephew. "Jason," she greeted warmly, and he bent down beside her, letting her press a kiss to his temple. "What are you doing here so late? I thought you and Roy were going to Panama City tomorrow? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

He shrugged. "Plane leaves in the morning. Figured I'd hang around here for the night to say a couple 'see you laters'." Jason's eyes followed the screen. "Is that the human trafficking ring out of Saint Petersburg?"

"Yeah," (Y/N) answered, turning to click at the mouse. "Some lawyers from the courts around here got caught in a hotel room with a few of the girls."

Someone new appeared in her peripheral, two people actually, Tim and Dick. "Didn't they arrest everybody in the hotel room?" Tim asked, propping his chin on her shoulder.

She reached up and scratched his scalp the way he liked. "They did. The girls were sent to a secure facility for treatment and the lawyers have unsurprisingly lawyered up. None of them are talking." (Y/N) clicked on the screen, opening a tab that led to an interrogation room. "Gordon's not having any luck. Whoever's running this operation is obviously terrifying enough that none of these guys are cracking. Even with the threat of getting sent to prison for life."

"Want some help?" Dick offered and she shook her head.

"Nah. We adults have it." (Y/N) looked at them and smiled. "You guys go do what young people do. Hang out with your friends, drink, party, be young."

"I feel like you're saying that to the wrong trio," Tim said. "None of us drink except Jason and even then, none of us party."

She shook her head again, this time in shame. "God, you people need to live."

Jason happened to glance over her head, and he frowned. "Speaking of needing to might wanna stop Bruce and GM from killing one another."

(Y/N) turned in the direction of her friend and brother and sighed. "Am I a terrible person for considering letting them punch each other unconscious?"

"Nope!" came unified response and she chuckled, rising from her seat.

"Thought so," she said, walking over to where Bruce and Ghost-Maker were about to go at it again.

She stepped in between them, gracefully dodging a throw punch and a kicked-out leg, shoving both of them back in return. "Hey, enough."

"Move." Bruce commanded and she glared at him.

"I said, enough." Her head turned to Ghost-Maker. "We all know this little sparring match has gone a bit farther than just training."

"No one's getting hurt, (Y/N)." Ghost-Maker said, and she narrowed her eyes.

"Maybe not right now, but someone will get hurt and we don't need that." She pointed to the opposite ends of the room. "Separate and cool off. Both of you."

Seeing that she wasn't going to budge, Bruce let out a puff of air and turned, striding into the showers, leaving her and the other man on the mats. (Y/N) sighed quietly, rubbing her temples, and griped, "I swear you both make it so difficult to be around."

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