The Brother's Keeper

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She descended the steps into the cave, balancing the files in one hand, the case of drinks in the other. Her feet hit the cave floor and she looked around, seeing her father sitting at the Batcomputer; she walked over and set the files down beside him. "Here's the files you requested dad. I alphabetized them too." He glanced at her, giving her a faint smile before nodding and turning back to the screen.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She leaned an arm on the back of the chair and looked at the screen.

"New antidote for Scarecrow's toxin?" He nodded typing on the keyboard.

"He's synthesized a new formula, so I need to make a new antidote in case anyone gets gassed." She nodded and looked around.

"Where's the boneheads?" He snorted as he tipped his head towards the locker room.

"They went to put their suits away." She nodded once more and patted his shoulder before walking off in the direction of the cases. When she got there, she didn't see them, but she could hear them in the locker room, and she moved in that direction. She stepped into the room and took in the image of the four of her brothers standing in front of the mirrors in their underwear, pointing at each other.

"Do I even want to know?" They looked up and saw her, and Dick asked,

"What are you doing here (Y/N)? You usually don't come to the manor." (Y/N) shrugged, walking into the locker room and sitting on a bench.

"Dad needed some files, so I got them for him. Which brings me back to my original question." She pointed at them, an eyebrow raised. "Why are you guys in your undies?" They snorted, and Jason turned around.

"We're comparing scars." (Y/N) huffed a laugh.

"Of course, you are." She paused for a second and looked at them. "Who's got the gnarliest one?" Immediately, they pointed at Damian who simply motioned to his chest, and she looked at the scar that rested over his heart. A frown drew her lips, and Damian nodded at her.

"It wasn't your fault sister. You tried to save me." (Y/N) met his eyes and murmured,

"I didn't try hard enough." She glanced at Jason, seeing the scars line his chest, her voice just as soft. "For either of you." His lips pulled downwards, and he walked over, sitting on the bench beside her.

"The fact that you tried is good enough for us Queenie." He reached out, patting her head; she sighed, but smiled and nodded before turning to Tim.

"Any on you nerd-bird?" He grinned and turned around, running his hand along a scar that rested along the left side of his ribs.

"When I fought Ra's, he got me right here." (Y/N) looked at it, then leaned back, a curious look in her eye.

"Other than dad, aren't you the only person he's called 'detective'?" Tim gave her a firm nod and she pulled a grin, nodding at him.

"Look at the nerd-bird kicking all our asses in the game. I'm proud of you." He gave her a sheepish smile and she turned to Dick.

"We've all had brushes with death, but I don't think you have a lot of noticeable ones." Dick shrugged and showed his back, and they saw faint white lines that resembled lightning strikes.

"When Wally came back out of the speed force, he accidently shocked me. Of course, it wasn't enough to damage me severely, but it's here." They looked at him once more, then Tim tipped his head to the side.

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