Bring On The Wonder

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"Will you slow down?" Bruce complained, reaching her in a few steps. "Your ankle is sprained and you're going to—"

She turned on him, slapping his hand away from where it was reaching for her. "I don't wanna look or talk to you or anybody else right now." She spat. "Take the hostages to GCPD and leave me the fuck alone."

"He wasn't going to kill you." Bruce said and she scowled.

"It doesn't matter what he was or wasn't going to do." She pointed to herself. "I thought he was going to. That's what matters to me." She turned and took a step, though her leg faltered, and she went to her knees, reaching to hold her ankle. "Fuck," she hissed. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"(Y/N)," he murmured, bending down beside her and she reached up, yanking the cowl off.

"Everything hurts," she cried, anger and pain lacing her voice. "My back hurts. My chest hurts. Everything fucking hurts." She reached up to wipe the blood still leaking from her busted nose and split eyebrow. "And I'm bleeding." (Y/N) licked her lips, feeling the sting from the broken skin of her bottom one.

Bruce's hand went to his utility belt, unclipping one of the pockets, and he pulled out a rag; he gently raised it to her eyebrow, dabbing at the blood as he quietly stated, "Your eyebrow's already in hemostasis. Though it's going to need stitches." His hand briefly stilled near her swollen eye, then he continued to her nose where he gently held it.

She whimpered, trying to recoil but he held on. "That hurts."

"You need to stop the bleeding," he advised, then grabbed her hand and placed it over his, forcing her to take it.

"What are you doing?"

Bruce didn't answer her, one arm curling under her knees, the other her back and he hefted her up into his arms. "I'll take you back to your penthouse."

(Y/N) wanted to cry, and she was helpless to stop the tears that gathered in her eyes; she turned, burying her face in the plate of her brother's shoulder pad, breathing deeply to keep her sobs at bay.

"I don't know what's going to come after this," he explained softly, careful to take even steps to avoid jostling her. "But I know that you're the only one who gets to choose what happens between you and him." He rested his chin on her head. "And if you choose to take a leave for a while, then I'll support that."

She let out a shuddering breath. "I just want to crawl in a hole."

"Want me to get my shovel and dig you one?"

A watery laugh passed her lips, though it dissolved into a sob and with her free hand, she reached over and grabbed Bruce's opposite shoulder, squeezing tightly as she shook against him.

He inhaled deeply, catching Ghost-Maker from the corner of his eye leading the hostages out. "We're going to be okay, (Y/N)."


Turns out that the leave of absence seemed like the best choice for her, and she'd hunkered down in a safehouse about three hundred miles outside of the state on the edges of the McIntyre Wild Area in Pennsylvania. Bruce and she had bought it years ago as a last-ditch effort if they needed to get out of Gotham and it'd taken the two of them, plus Clark to clear it out and build. Half of the time was having Clark laugh at the two siblings and call them "city-slickers trying to be country folk" as he watched them struggle to tame the land.

But in the end, it had been effective, and they'd built a rather cozy safehouse that looked inconspicuously like Ma and Pa Kent's home in Smallville. It was stocked with everything they needed, a built-in basement for safe measures. She was alone and secure in the small cabin and that's how she wanted to be. Since leaving some few days ago, she'd messaged each nephew and niece telling them that while she loved them dearly, she needed to be alone for some time and that she'd be back as soon as she could be.

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