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Cool sea breeze blows across my face, making me want to close my eyes and just drift away. I can hear the bass thrumming through the wooden doors of the club.We stand in a long line outside 'the Cascadia' waiting for Stef and Bria.

Once Lee came home, he texted the others to meet at the club, changed, and left to call me. I was still lying on my bed when he barged in and told me that he had asked Janet about the party and that she had allowed me to go, provided I returned before the curfew. I had slipped into the outfit that nearly resembled something that people wore in clubs.
A t-shirt dress.
We had walked down the street to the club. I live in a small coastal town called Lucerne, which isn't as complicated a town as it sounds. We just have three clubs in the whole town, out of which I like the Cascadia the most. For some reason the place just draws me in, I never seem to like any other club as much as this one.

"Earth to Leah" I turn around. A guy with round glasses and heavy lidded eyes stood behind me.

"Hey, Matt. Long-time no see." I say smiling.

"Why do you both always reach on time? It's annoying" a girl says from behind him. Bria.

" I guess we can't really help it. Being late isn't in my blood." Lee says with a grin.

" Oh god. You and your references." Bria says rolling her eyes.

Lee is about to reply to her when we realise we're at the front of the line, right outside the doors. Lee fumbles inside his jeans pockets to look for the passes when the bouncer asks for it. After a few minutes of checking, everyone becomes tense and the bouncer seems to get impatient. Lee didn't have a good reputation of keeping things properly.

"Got it!" Lee says removing four wrinkled blue passes from his back pocket. Everyone seems to relax, including the bouncer. He opens the door for us and we walk in.

Even though it is a weekday, the club is surprisingly crowded, which is just the way I like it.The second we walk into the main space, cool air rushes against our faces and we are overcome with the smell of perfume. As we squeeze our way through the crowd, we noticed some high tops around the dance floor and sprint to claim one.When we settle, I immediately run towards the floor and start dancing. there's barely any room to dance, but I don't care. I join in with the crowd and jump and swing to the songs that are pumping out the huge speakers. The lights situated all around the room, even under the dance floor, painted the club in all shades of blue. The whole club looked as if it had been carved out of a cave in the middle of the ocean.The walls were made of a jagged stone with one housing a huge aquarium filled with what seemed to be every fish imaginable.
After about an hour of dancing, Bria and Stef go back to our table to order some food. My throat feels dry from all the dancing and I point my finger to my throat to tell Lee. He nods and leaves to fetch me some water. I see him squeeze his way through the crowd and disappear into the darkness.

I continue to dance alone. Suddenly, I get a tingling sensation at the back of my neck which makes the tiny hair stand. I turn around and I'm hit with  wave of coldness, getting goosebumps all over my hands and legs. It spreads through my body, creeping towards my head. I close my eyes and take in a deep breathe. I feel the warmth return back to my hand and I rub my hands against my arms to make the goosebumps go away. I get an overwhelming feeling facing the door and I look up.

Silhouettes of two figures form against the orange street light outside and then quickly merge into the dark surrounding as the doors close. I keep looking around the door until I see an outline walking straight towards me. I want to stop staring but I can't seem to take my eyes off it. It reaches the border of darkness and steps into the blue light. I look at him.

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