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My mind is a swirl of confusion.

I take in a deep breath of the chilling air and it sends shivers through my body. It smells like fresh sea weed and salt, that smell I'm familiar with but now it just seems strange and alarming. My ears are consumed with the noise of the waves crashing against the rocks, loudly and powerfully. I slowly open my eyelids that are crusted together with sand and dirt. It feels like I'm tearing my eyelids apart.

They open to reveal the world to me.

Everything's a blur at first. The surface I'm lying on feels cold and hard. And wet.

Where am I?

I squint my eyes and look around. All I see at first is a black rock, covered with green and blue moss. I look further ahead and I see a figure's outline looming ahead. I try to get up by bringing my arms ahead, pressing my palms against the cold surface and trying to lift myself up. Pain lances through my arm and I collapse back onto the rock. I grunt in pain and frustration.

"You're awake. Good. Get up." The man says turning around. I slowly lift my gaze up and once it lands on his face, all the memories come crashing back.  He walks up to me and pulls me up by my arms. He lifts me up easily and I'm startled by his strength. I look around me as I stand up and I'm hit by a déjà-vu.

It's the same place that came in my visions.

"Let's just get this done" the man says and I look around to see another man standing near the edge of the rock.

" I still don't get why you didn't throw her into the water while she was sleeping. Now she'll just try to fight us, won't win obviously, die. Too much time wasted."

"Kai's men are known to be dramatic. If we killed her before, She would have died not knowing who killed her. Now she knows." He says looking at me with his ghostly empty eyes. He gives me a smile that makes my hair stand at its end. "Here's a little improvisation. The storm is already here. So just leave her here. The sea will do its job."

Both of them walk towards the edge, the man turns around

"Cave tenebris aquas."

Before I can process anything they make a perfect dive into the dark waters below.

I won't survive.

I'm sure of it.

The strong wind ruffles through my clothes and hardly allows my eyes to remain open. I'm surprised that I am still standing on the rock and not flying around in the wind. Huge waves crash down upon the rocks making deafening sounds. I open my eyes wide enough to see the next wave coming. As it comes towards the rock, it reaches the height of a three-storey building and seems to loom over me for some time, like a monster looking at its prey with hungry eyes, before finally crashing down towards me like a waterfall.

While it comes down one single thought comes in my mind.

This is how I die.

Then the waters devour me.

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