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"So this weapon, exactly how powerful is it?" Lee asks shouting.

We are on our way to Lucerne on a speed boat. I had woken up at dusk from one of my terrible vision. The island looked beautiful under the soft sun rays. The storm made everything look fresher, from the luscious green pine trees to the wet black sand, above which the golden morning mist floated . The temperature was just perfect. All I wanted was  my amazing music to pump through the earphones. Which I didn't have.

We sit at the front part of the boat, where the wind blows across our face and drops of sea water fall on us occasionally . Nerida and my hair look hilarious as they blow across our faces. I'm still mad at Dylan, but I think there is a reason behind what he did. That doesn't stop me from being anger. I have just ignored his existence and moved on.

Or at least tried to.

"The weapon is a gem. It used to be on my crown. It's powerful because it's made of Ràn's calcified blood. Ràn is the sea goddess by the way." Llyr says. " Isla and I destroyed it. That was also one of the reasons why I had fled to Lucerne. I had to find a psychic who could carry out the destruction. It was a complicated process but we managed to destroy it."

"I'm sorry, did you just say that you destroyed the weapon?" Lee asks. Nerida glares at him.

"Yes. The weapon has caused many wars before, one that involved the deaths of innocent soldiers. No one can have that much power, except god."

"That's right, we don't even need the weapon now anyways." Nerida says.

"Yeah right." Lee says.

I look at Lee and turn my eyes around casually to look at the sea, but I accidentally make eye contact with Dylan instead. He looks at me with an apologetic expression and I look away.

Damn it.

Why can't he just let me be?

"Almost there." The sailor shouts.

We hit  Lucerne's shore in another 15 minutes. We get up, walk to the end of the boat and start getting down. I'm the last person to get down, so Dylan comes running to help me get down.

"No thanks" I say as I jump off the boat, splashing water all around. It doesn't affect him in anyway and my legs hurt but it was worth a shot and I feel better.

Much better.

We pay the sailor and tread through the cold water to the beach. I am half wet and I feel weird as we walk through the beach. It is not that crowded, but there are are a few people who come for morning walks who see us. I just hope none of them knows Janet.

"We should probably get going." Nerida says.

"We can jump off the pier so that we get a nice elevation."

"Yeah probably" Dylan adds.

"We'll come with you till there. See you off." Lee says.

"Yeah lets go." Nerida says smiling at Lee.

We walk toward the pier and start climbing up the stairs. I'm left panting once we reach the top but everyone else seems to be fine.I make a mental note of joining a gym. The view from the pier is just amazing. I look at the sea that lies ahead of me and just can't stop looking at it.The turquoise waves look golden as they ripple in the early morning sunshine. I hear the sound of the sea goose cackling in the distance, the waves crashing against the rock and the sailors shouting at each other.

"So, who goes first?" Lee asks.

" I should not interfere in your farewells. I shall leave immediately. I will go first, if you don't mind?" Llyr says.

"Yeah sure" Nerida says.

Llyr nods and walks to the end. He exhales slowly. Just before jumping turns around and looks directly at me.

"Take care." He says before jumping off the pier and making a perfect dive.

Fortunately, Nerida and Dylan decide to go together.

Nerida comes to me first and to my surprise, pulls me into a hug.

" I thought you were a jerk. But you are not." She says.

" thanks?" I say.

" I mean you are the coolest person I have met apart from me of course. I will miss you."she says.

"Weird to say this, but I will miss you too.... nerd." I say smiling.
She punches me lightly on the shoulders and walks towards Lee. She pulls him into a hug as well but a fiercer, sadder one. I don't know what was going on between them but they definitely have potential for a thing.

I turn around to face my situation.

Dylan comes walking towards me.

Crap. Awkward.

"Hi." I say trying so hard not to sound awkward.

" I'm sorry Leah. I'm really sorry. I know you are pissed at me but please just forgive me. This bracelet of yours, it keeps me connected to you. Llyr had it made so that he know if Isla is in danger. I can know when you are in danger. Just think of me and I will come . Take care."
He says turning around and walking towards the pier's end. I don't get a chance to say anything to him. There's a part of me that feels bad, but my mind advises against it.

Don't trust him. It says.

Nerida and Dylan walk to the end of the pier and stand there. They look back for the last time and jump off. We hear a splash after some time.

I can't resist the urge of running towards the end and looking down. I peep down but all I see is the turquoise water and the waves.

They are gone.

"Let's go home." Lee says.

I nod and we start walking back to our normal lives.

If it can still be called normal.

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