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What the hell.....

"What do you mean Llyr's child? How do you know I am his daughter." I say in a squeaky voice.

"Isn't it obvious? You get your psychic abilities from your mother. You might have had a human father if you wouldn't have survived underwater. You can breathe because you are half mer. Because Llyr is your biological father." Alun says.

"Okay so where is he? Llyr, my father." I say. "I'm coming with you, to rescue him."

"Sorry, not going to happen."
I turn around and see Dylan standing at the door.

"Ah Dylan. I was just going to say no by the way."Alun says smiling slightly.

"Why? Why can't we act now? We're just waiting for my father to die." I say.

"There's no we involved Leah. You are not strong enough to walk into this." Dylan says.

" I don't care if I walk out of it or not Evian, I've never had a father before and you are ruining my chance of ever having one. There are few people who have the capacity of actually caring for me and he is one of them. Just let me come with you guys, let me fight. You don't have to pretend like you care anyways." I say with as much hatred as I can muster. I get a little satisfaction as I see him flinch. Then I feel guilt. But I try to push it down. He is not the one I should be concerned about now. I swim out of the room and move back towards the room I woke up in. Once I'm convinced there are no clothes lying around in that room, I go to Noelani's room to ask her for some clothes that I can borrow. I see her standing near the glass wall. Her room is pretty much like mine.

"I need good clothes." I say reaching the door.

"What for?" She asks.

"I'm going with you guys." I say preparing myself to say the whole reason why I should go again.

" Are you sure?" She asks. To my surprise she doesn't seem reluctant.

"Yup pretty sure."

"Good then. I have some clothes that might fit you."

I sit on one of the weird jellyfish chairs in the meeting room. I wear a loose white silk shirt and black tights. I've  put up a tight bun to keep my messy hair in place. There is a huge probabliy that we will be required to fight today,so there are numerous daggers of all size in the leather band strapped under my shirt. Although I don't know how to use one. Neither have a killed anyone before.

I sit up straighter as I hear someone approaching, more like feel someone is coming towards me because of the water.Alun enters the room and greets me with a wide smile.

"So you decided to come with us?" He says.

"Of course."

"Evian tried to convince her, but I guess Leah isn't one who listens to people." Nerida says from behind.

"Yeah you guessed right." I say.

"Well everyone is waiting outside. Let's go."

We walk out of the conference room and we walk down the dingy long corridor and take a left turn. I see a door slightly ajar at the end which has blue light pouring out of it. We walk towards and step out. In that moment I realise I'm going to see marinus for the first time now. I feel excitement bubble throgh me. If someone would have told me just a month ago, that I would be in an underwater city alive and breathing, I would have probably told them to visit a doctor. But here I am.

I look around and I see a vast expanse of blue . The house which we were in was built on a was elevated on what seemed like a huge underwater mountain, with all sorts of plants and animals scattered around. There was nothing visible around me for miles.

"Pretty well isolated huh?" I say.

"Yup" Alun answers.

"So how are we going to travel?" I ask curious.

Alun looks at me incredulously. "There is nothing to travel by right now. We need to keep our cover low-key. We swim."

"Well agreed, but don't you think that will take too much time?" I say.
"Don't think so." He says smiling. Nerida moves forward and stands beside me.

"You don't know how to swim." She says.

"How do you think I am surviving here?" I say surprised.

"You are surviving not swimming." Nerida says. "Try to channel all your energy into your head and push forward, keeping the direction you want to go in mind. You'll get it. Don't worry."

"I know I will but-." I say.

"All fidelists assemble in a line." A man about the age of Llyr says as he moves forward. About ten or so fidelists stand in a line to face him. He looks familiar. Then it hits me. He is the same guy who almost killed lee.

"You need to be cautious, since any wrong action might get you into trouble. Not just you, all the fidelists." He says looking each of them in the eye. When his eyes fall on mine, I try to imagine lasers coming out of mine, burning his face. I smile and he looks away.

"Leave together. Be safe. Go!" He shouts and it vibrates through the water. I look around and I see some of them vanishing with a whoosh sound. I start panicking and look for Nerida. She is right beside me. She gives me a small nod and she disappears next, making the water around me move with such intensity that it pushes me backwards in turn. They aren't vanishing. They are moving forward.  I close my eyes. I focus on all the energy I have. Imagine it as a golden mist in my veins, shining, sparkling as it slowly moves through them ready to give me a push.


I'm thrusted forward by some invisible force and I cut through the water like a releases arrow. Everything around me is a blur and I can hardly see anything. It takes time to clear out but after a while I see red hair against the blue water.

"Nerida!" I shout. I see her turn around and smile. Everything other than her looks blurry and unclear. After  sometime she turns around again.

"This is Marinus,"She says. "But we can't stop. Keep going."

I nod and I keep going. Suddenly there is a burst of colour around me, like someone spilled all their colours on a blue canvas. I catch glimpses of huge mushroom like structure that has pink flouroscent roof that glows brightly. I see other small houses that have odd multicoloured tentacles around them that move around in the water. I hear some music nearby and look to my left. I see a huge dome shaped structure, that is white in colour and translucent. It  has all sorts of lights coming out of it, flickering and moving periodically as the beats change.

"I'm impressed."  I say.

" believe me this is nothing." Nerida says smiling.

"Stop!" I hear someone shout from ahead.

I bring my legs forward and imagine the golden energy fading from the front of my body and scattering away. I stop with a jerk that startles me a little. It takes time for me to put my mind back on track, but when it does my jaw almost drops open.

"We're here." I hear Nerida say.

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