1.2k+Special: A NEW ERA

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He walks towards his seat and settles down on it.
Today was the day. The day he had been looking forward to, dreamt of, his entire life. The crowning. Finally, there were no problems, interruptions hindrances in this.

Except for one. Llyr. The crowning cannot be complete if the previous king is not dead. But that won't be a problem. Because he will be dead by tomorrow. That was his plan. Public execution.
He sat in the empty court room, on the huge gold seat which had been the seat to so many legendary kings of marinus. But none of them were from kaldis.The first descendent of the beautiful dark waters of kaldis, to sit upon this holy throne of Marinus. He looks around the room with pride relishing the thought of seeing Llyr's severed head. A door creaked open and the noise of it echoed  through the empty huge room. Kai got up from the throne and swam towards the door. He stopped midway and looked at the gaurd who came in.

"Lord, it's time."

Kai face broke into a wide sinister smile. His fangs peaked through his lips and shined in the dim light. It's time for the execution.
He turned around and walked towards the balcony. He opened the curtain and stepped onto it. Thousands of merfolk stood below, curious as to why their king has decided to talk to them after such a long time.

"Marinus, today you have come to witness a special and important event which will be remembered throughout the history of marinus." His voices boomed through the silence. "Today will be the end of the last descendent of the pure bloodline of Marinus and beginning of a new era. Today will be the death of Llyr." A murmur spread through the crowd which slowly became louder.

" yes he is alive! He attacked your king few days back. But ofcourse he was still the same Llyr, weak, incompetent, futile. I imprisoned him. Today he will be killed finally.Whoever wished to witness this great even must gather till midnight. You may all leave." He said.
He turned around and walked back into to the throne room smiling.

Today will be the beginning of a new era.

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