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We walk up the wooden steps one after each other . I reach the landing before anyone else and I walk towards my mother's room. I reach the door and look in.

The room is like any other one, but has a completely different meaning for me.

This is my mom's room.

Was hers.

She died in a car accident near one of the small roads of Lucerne. Her car toppled and fell into the water. We couldn't even have a proper funeral for her. The police said the body was too withered.

The room is mostly empty except for an old wooden wardrobe. I walk towards it and notice a thin film of dust and  cobwebs all around it. The room smells like mildew and dust. I grab the handle of the wardrobe and yank it open.

I start coughing as I inhale the dust but once I stop, I look at it properly. There are cardboard boxes on each rack. I grab hold of one and keep it on the floor. I hear the footsteps at the door and look up.

"What is that?" Nerida asks.

"Guess we'll find out." I say opening the flaps of the box. There is a stack of photo frames on one side and one of journals on the other.

"Bingo." I let out a sigh.

At last, I'll get to know something about her.

I had never felt the need of going through her stuff before, it only made it harder for me to move on, just reminding me of what I have lost.

Dylan, Nerida and Lee come and sit all around the cardboard box. We start searching for clues and hints. I pick the photos first. Somehow I have a feeling I might get something there. I pick up a photo and turn it around.

"Look at the camera Leah. Good girl! Now give a big big smile. That's my girl."

First day of school.

I gulp. I really don't want to cry in front of everyone.

I throw it aside a little too aggressively and pick another one. This one's just a picture of Lucerne's sunset.
I sigh.

I continue to go through some more photos. They are mostly about Lucerne. It's night life, it's beautiful sunsets and it's peaceful empty roads at night. My mom was one of the reasons why I loved Lucerne so much. She loved this place, made me love it too. I'm on my sixth photo when I hear Lee exclaim.

"There is a guy in this.Looks a lot ....
merman-ish".  He says.

"Is that even a thing?" I ask him. "Anyways hand it over to me."

He passes the photo to Dylan who looks at it. His eyes widen for a moment and there is a fascination in his ocean blue eyes that make me more curious. He looks up and nods at me while passing the photo.

As soon as I touch the paper, my breathe hitches. The world around goes blank.

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