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"Our King, the great and powerful king of Marinus, fell in love with a human. Unbelievable right? But it's true. Love has it's own ways." Dylan says quietly. He sighs.

But this doesn't surprise me.

Llyr was so alone, lonely and sad. He was crumpling under the responsibilities of the throne and he wanted nothing more than freedom. He needed someone who would see him as he was: a guy who just has too much of responsibility at a young age. It's sad he fell in love with a human and not one of his kind.

"Evian got to know this because of his mother." Nerida says. "His mother was a very close friend of Llyr; his only close friend actually. Before Llyr was banished by Kai, he had told her about his lover and that she was a human. He also told her that the lover knew him like no one had known him before. She knew  him not by the surface but by his soul.
Or something like that.Basically, that girl knew everything about him. So when we told this to the fidelists, they sent us here, to find that girl, cause we think she is the only one who might know about Llyr's weapon."

My mind buzzes with so many questions that I feel dizzy. Who was that girl? Who are the fidelists? And most importantly, what is the weapon? But all I say is:

"Ummmmm, could you please elaborate?"

"God, you sound like my teacher."Nerida says rolling her eyes. " if you have questions,shoot."

"Who are the fidelists?" I ask.

" okay, so when Kai became the king, people didn't like him. There were some who were, somehow, fascinated by his strength and power, but majority hated him to the guts. Although they hated him, they were also afraid.But people like me, who like to take action instead of deliberating on things, made a group called the fidelists. It means 'the loyal'.We are loyal to the true king, Llyr. We are rebellious in nature and our aim is to dethrone that son of a b-." I interrupt her before she can say anything.

"Keep it PG-13 please"

"Aight"Nerida says smugly. " although we are pretty cool people, the older ones of the group who of course have the authority over us, are kinda weird and well.... old. They take things way to seriously and hate fun. But we are good mers. There;you have the answer you wanted."

"Sounds pretty interesting. Next question, what is Llyr's weapon?" I ask curiously.

"Its a weapon which has powers almost equal to Ràn's trident. By the way, Ràn is the goddess of sea. We believed she just existed in myths, until a Sybil told us about the existence of his trident. The trident is inherited by the king of Marinus and he is vested with a lot of powers. The Sybil was the one who predicted Llyr will have a weapon he is unaware of which will have powers equal to the trident itself. We think it's far fetched because the trident possess the power of the sea but it's the best chance we have against Kai." Nerida answers.

"What's a Sybil?"

"Just a psychic who kinda specialises in predicting the future."

"So who was the girl. The one king Llyr fell in love with?" I ask.

" let me answer this." Dylan says clearing his throat and taking a deep breath. "Okay, so when Llyr was banished, my mother had helped him clear out his room.When she was doing this, she had found the same carving on many walls of his room. That day when she had asked him about it, he had smiled at her and said that the it didn't matter where the carving was now; it will constantly be in his heart.
It was a carving of an island." He said looking at me. After some time he continued, " he also gave her something that day. A blue pearl bracelet; identical to yours" he says raising his hand and showing me his wrist. I hear lee take a sharp breath in. I look around and I know I am missing out on something.

" yeah, so?" I say

"Don't you get it Leah?" Lee says beside me. "An island can also be called....."

" Isla." Dylan says. "Llyr was in love with Isla Lynn, Leah. Your mother"

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