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I feel it spread through my body.

First, like a warmth, then like a wild fire burning my insides. Panic. Anger. Fear. All well up inside me at the sight of Lee. My Lee.

Memories come flooding back to me. Meeting lee for the first time, playing monopoly in his tree house, watching horror movies late at night, Lee's goofy smile after he got his braces for the first time, Lee helping me out of every problem, having his shoulders to cry on every time I got sad. And then I see Lee now.
I lose consciousness of what I'm doing. I move towards him and I bend down. I watch myself take his hand and press my thumb against his warm wrist.

I feel a soft thumping against my thumb.

My breath hitches and a cry escapes my mouth.
Lee's alive.

Every heartbeat I feel against my thumb, seems to pump back life in me. It slowly gets me back to reality, bringing back my consciousness.
I lift my head to look at the man with the sword.

He stands in front of the window so his face is in shadows.I see the outline of a lean and muscular body. I stand up and turn to face him.He is obnoxiously tall, blocking almost all of the sunlight coming through the window. I move closer to have a better look. The first thing that I notice is his eyes.

Stark emerald orbs with hints of brown look back at me.

Their colour makes them look unnatural but they have  an odd beauty in their strangeness.
His straight black hair falls till his shoulders and stands out against the white shirt he wears. He has pale olive skin that seems to glow even though he is in the shadows.

"Don't worry, he is alive. I just hit him with a glass bottle." He says in a deep husky voice, indicating the shattered pieces of glass lying on the floor red with blood.

"You almost killed him!" Nerida shouts stepping forward, moving towards Lee. She looks angry and scared at the same time. Her face looks pale but her eyes look fierce and have a threatening gaze.

"I'm sure she can heal him." He says in a matter-of-factly voice looking straight at me

"How do you know..."I say.

"I've been in this world a lot longer than you have been Cordelia. Evian and Nerida, you should have  accomplished your mission before the deadline and should've contacting us keeping us updated on what is happening." He says."I've been told to accompany you for this week to see if you are still worthy enough to carry out this mission and I will leave by the end of it. If you wouldn't have ghosted out on us, I wouldn't have been sent, and this unfortunate event wouldn't have happened."

"We didn't tell you anything cause nothing happened! This is stupid." Dylan says bringing his hands up to rub his temples. "You will have to give us time and you can't go around-"

I don't understand....what mission!? Think about that later idiots.

"Can we stop talking about this secret mission of yours and focus on Lee? He is dying here!" I say shouting.

"There's nothing we can do. The only person who can heal him in this room is you. I'm sure you'll figure it out. I'm going to leave now. I assume I won't be invited in this house since I almost killed your friend." The man said bluntly with no effort to hide the insensitivity.

"No you won't. You better leave before I lose my temper." Nerida says.

"Good to know. Goodbye." Saying this he walks around me moves towards the door. Still facing the window, I feel the hot sun in my face heating me up from the outside as the anger and frustration does the same from the inside.

He almost killed Lee. And she let him leave. He can't leave. That son of a bitch CANT LEAVE.

I close my eyes and imagine the door moving towards the frame and sealing the room shut. After focusing hard for some time, I hear the creaking noise of the hinges, followed by the whipping sound of air moving as the door shuts with a bang behind me. I turn around and I see the man facing the door. He turns around and looks at me with an amused expression.

"I don't know how to do it. Now, you better tell me how to heal him unless you want to stay trapped here. Tell me, or you'll have to pay for what you did."I say confidently although I don't know where this confidence comes from.

"Don't you threaten me kid. I'll help you not because I'm scared of you, but because I regret what I did. Kid jumped at me at an unfortunate time, so I threw the first thing that came in my hand at him." He says sighing." I have many friends who have the videre. Not all of them have healing powers. But I remember once I had been healed by one. I remember seeing a light in pitch darkness and a voice telling me to reach out and get it. When I woke up, she was there beside me, holding my hand saying my name over and over again. I guess you'll have to do something like that. I'm not sure if you are a healer but you'll have to try"

"How vague is that? So Leah is just supposed to hold his hand and his name over and over again?" Dylan argues voicing my exact thoughts.

"I told you what I saw. Now let me go" The man says sounding a little aggravated.

"No, you can't leave till Lee wakes up." I say firmly.

The man glares at me with such intensity that it surprises me that he nods his head instead of charging towards me with his sword.

I prepare myself to look at Lee again. I feel like I'm in one of my worst nightmares except for the fact that Lee might actually die here. I gulp and I try not to think about that.

I bend down and take his hand.
Hi! I'm still travelling so I don't think the next update will be soon but let's hope I find some time.


for those who don't know what it is, just go do it,don't ask, it's amazing. Except if you have a phobia of drowning or something.

For those who don't have a phobia or do know what snorkeling is; yes that happened.
Anyways enjoy the book! And pls vote, helps me stay motivated:)

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