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The turquoise waves bounce off the rocks making a rhythmic beat of its own. The sun shines over the vast ocean, colouring the sky a pastel blue.

Two people sit on the highest rock with their hands entwined but their fates detached

"We will meet again, when all this is over." The man says looking into the hazel eyes of the woman. His eyes are a striking ocean green, same as the waves.

"Meet me again, at a place where the midnight sky looks down and sees its own reflection.   We will be happy there. This love is forbidden but it will exist, always and forever."

"It's too good to be true." The woman says with teary eyes. " it's almost impossible Llyr. It can't be true."

" we can hope. It's all we can do. All we have to do." Llyr says smiling. The woman sighs and rests her head on his shoulders. He takes her in his arms and she fits right in.

They sit right there, staring into the sunset, their fingers entwined, but their fates detached.
Leah. Are you alive?

I open my eyes and sit right up. I take a deep breath and try to calm down. I feel the sticky hair plastered to my forehead.

"Of course I'm alive, jerk" I say. "We need to go there now. Like now." I say in between breaths.

"Where? What? How? Why?" Lee asks.

"The coast. I will explain it all on the way. We have to rent a sailor and a boat." I say. " just trust me on this"

All of them look at each other and exchange a look. A look I know too well these days. I reach out by my psychic abilities and try to hear what they are thinking.

I think we should go. I hope they trust her abilities. I do.

I sigh in relief. The voice sounded like Dylan's, but more like an echo of his real voice. I try to focus on Lee's presence next.

They must be thinking she is batshit crazy, but I know her. She's not. I need to tell them.

Another pang of relief shoots through me. Without trying to know what Nerida is thinking. I get up and start walking to the door.

" I know you guys trust me. Come one let's go."

I say from without turning around. I stop at the and look out at the blue horizon. I hear the sound of the chairs moving and then their footsteps approaching. I smile.

"Looks like we're gonna have a good boat adventure." Lee says from behind.

"Yup, we will"

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