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His grey hair shines under the golden fairy lights as he turns around.The blue-green of his eyes reflect a rich gold as they fall on me. He walks towards me in a tuxedo extending his hand.

"Shall I get the pleasure of dancing with you?" He says.

"Yes you may" I say as I extend my hand to his. I see loose blue bell sleeves around my hands and I look down to see what I'm wearing. All I see at first is a circle of blue net around me. I'm wearing a blue dress. Weird.

He leads me to the centre of the dance floor.The platform is surrounded by exotic flowers of all colours, from pastel blue to a dark scarlet. Beyond that is vast nothingness.

It is suspended in air.

The 4 pillars at its corners have inscriptions on them. I can't see anything clearly, but I make out one word.


I know what it means.


Evian turns to face me and looks me in the eye. His eyes turn dark and something changes in the way he looks at me.

"Leah wake up." Evian says as he throws me off the platform into the dark void.

I jerk open my eyes and look up quickly. I had fallen asleep on one of the tables near the dance floor. Last thing I remember was  Matt, Bria and Lee going to dance, while I had stayed back saying I wasn't feeling well. Matt stood beside the chair and he was now looking at me, concerned. His face looked neon pink under the lights reflecting from the disco ball.

"Are you fine? Should I drop you home?" He says as his face turns blue.

I would want nothing more than to go home.

"Yeah sure." I say as I get up from the chair and walk towards the door.

We somehow manage our way through the crowd and walk out of the building. I step out and inhale the cool air. I turn around to see Matt come out a while later. We come out of the school gates and start walking down the deserted streets. The silence usually feels good but now it's just strange and eerie. My senses seem on a high alert, looking for each and every sign of an attack.

We walk silently on the streets, the only sound produced is by my heels clicking on the pavement and of our soft breathing.I hear a soft thud near one of the wooden benches near us and I swerve in that direction.

Just wind. I assure myself.

We continue walking back home and I feel a sharp pain on my heels. I make a mental note of never wearing heals again and I stop walking.

"Matt I'm just gonna remove my heels." I say as I bend down.

"I had to tell you something Leah." Matt says randomly.

"Yeah say."

"I kinda like you." He says

Uh nope.
I feel the colour rise in my cheeks and I flush with embarrassment.

"I've been wanting to tell you since the very first time we met."

"Save it for some other day kid. This girl and I have some business." I hear a deep voice say from behind me. It sounds as cold as the chilling air itself and I shudder. I turn around slowly to face my danger.

It turns out to be a tall guy with a heavily built body and broad shoulders . He is wearing normal mundane clothes but there seems to be something outlandish about the way he stands and talks.

"Who are you? Leah do you know him?" Matt asks.

"Leave us alone." I say in a clear voice. I sound calm even when I feel like I'm about to lose it.

"Fine. Take her." He says.

I feel a sharp pain at back of my head and I slowly get consumed by darkness.

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