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I stand in front of Lee's house for a long time. I don't come back to my senses until I hear a honk from behind. I quickly jump onto the pavement to allow the car to pass. But it doesn't. I look behind and I see a blue Kia parked in front of my house. Matt's car. He comes out of the car and jogs towards me.

"You good?" He asks, concern laced in his voice.

"You shouldn't have come out of your car, I'm fine, really."

"You left me no choice. You were literally daydreaming in the middle of the road."
Matt says with a smile on his face.

"Yes, I know, I do stupid things all the time. Anyways, had you come to pick up Lee?" I say trying best to avoid the fear in my voice.
That guy's voice is still fresh in my mind and I don't want Matt to get involved in this.

"Actually, I had come to meet you," he says smiling.

That was unexpected. Matt never really talks to me as often as he talks to Bria and Lee.He had joined school last year. He had been Lee's friend first because they were in the baseball team together. Then he had started sitting with us at lunch. He was friendly and humorous in general so he was quick to blend in our group.

We are friends but we aren't that close and we never really talk alone.I have  even been excluded from many of his and Lee's conversations. I don't know why, but there always seems to be a tension in the air when we talk.
So his random friendly meeting takes me by surprise.

"Oh... okay. What do you want to talk about" I asked half-heartedly. I really don't feel like talking to Matt when so many things are going on in my head.

"Nothing. Just random stuff" he says still smiling.

Is he drunk or something? No, no why would he drink in the morning.

"And what causes this sudden urge to meet me?" I say trying not to sound that harsh.

"I just like to talk to you," he says casually. This completely pissed me off.

"Look Matt, I would love to talk to you right now but I have important stuff to do so just excuse me, okay?"I say not hiding the annoyance in my voice. Hurt flashes across his face. And I feel guilty for a while. But then I remember Lee and I know I had to be blunt.

"yeah, yeah fine. Do you want me to drop you somewhere?" He asks.

I'm about to say the immediate response that comes to my head, no, but then I think about it. I have to be at the Cascadia in thirty minutes. A ride their might really help.

"Could you drop me to the Cascadia?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." Matt says with a smile, some tension leaving from his body. "May I ask why?"

"I have more important things to do right now and I  really don't want to talk about it" I say, completely annoyed.
Matt nods and we walk towards the car and get in.Fortunately, he understands my mood and doesn't start a conversation on the way. He focuses on driving. We drive through the small roads of Lucerne. My window is pulled down so the air blows at my face. I close my eyes and try to relax. I'm going to get Lee back. The car comes to a stop and I open my eyes. We're right in front of the wooden doors of the club.

"See you on Monday I guess?" Matt says.
"Yup, see you on Monday." I say stepping out of the car. I run towards the doors and I look behind to see the concerned look on Matt's face before entering the club.

Cool air from the air conditioner blows at my face and a wave of déjà- vu hits me. The club feels the same as yesterday. Yesterday. So many things have happened since the last time I came here. It's Saturday so the club is crowded, but I don't take time to spot that guy. He's on the dance floor, dancing right in the middle. He is stands out in the crowd. He doesn't even need a limelight to be noticed, everyone stares at him. By everyone, I mean all the girls and majority of boys. I assume they are their boyfriends. I walk towards him and he notices me. He walks towards me and I feel the focus of the eyes around the shift to me.

"Hi. I had been waiting for you. Come on let's go" he says.

He moves his hand towards mine and I flinch back. A look of hurt is evident on his face but then it is replaced by a smirk.

"Don't."I say with as much loathing as I can put in my voice. He looks at me like he's amused by something and just walks away. Not waiting to be summoned, I follow.

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