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Most of the tables around the dance floor are occupied. He leads me to one of the tables in the corner which has been occupied by someone. I'm about to point that out, when I realise who it is.
It's the same redhead from last night. She is wearing a body-hugging neon green tank top paired with skinny black ripped jeans. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun which,oddly,goes well with the outfit. I couldn't even think of wearing such uncomfortable clothes. Her head is bent down, looking at the phone in her hand. The light from the phone makes her look pale,but she looked more beautiful up close with her piercing blue eyes and blazing red hair. She looks up when we reach the table and stares at me.

"Look who's here. Cordelia Lynn. It was about time we had an official meeting"She says, extending her hand towards mine. I take her hand, unsure of what the consequence might be if I didn't. An odd sensation spreads through my body as soon as I touch the hand. Something is really wrong with these guys.

"I'm Nerida. I don't have a nickname and don't even need one" she says glancing at the grey-haired guy who has a satisfied smirk on his face. I feel like snapping back by saying,
Don't worry we won't be friends long enough for me to keep your nickname or I don't think we will ever be friends.
But, I control myself. She seems a lot more intimidating than the guy.

The guy next to me clears his throat. "And I am-"

"No thanks, that won't be necessary."I say before I can control myself. There is a moment of silence in which I think about what I can do if Nerida suddenly attacks me. Maybe I can use the fork on the table to hit her with. Too harsh. But I don't have a choice. I glance down at the stand filled with spoons and forks and I'm about to extend my hand to grab one when Nerida starts laughing.

"Someone get some water that was a BAD burn." She says laughing.

"Whatever." The guy says.

"Can we just chuck all the formalities and skip to the part that actually matters. Where is Liam?" I say impatiently.

"Leah, Leah, Leah. Don't you realise it? You are not in the position of making demands. We are doing you a favour. So just shut that small mouth of yours" Nerida snaps.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"We need to contact a lady named Isla. You, are going to help us with that." Nerida says.

I nod slowly. I try to act as calm as possible, even though every cell in my body tells me run away from there.

" I don't know anyone named Isla. At least tell me her full name"I say.

"We don't know her last name smarty. Names here, in the Laterum are weird." Nerida says sounding bored.

"What is Laterum? This town is Lucerne."I say, confused.

"Leah there are many things you don't know and don't want to know, so stay out of it." Nerida says.

"What about Lee? How do I know if he's fine?" I say.

"He is fine. And I'd dare say happy. Here talk to him, just you give you some motivation."The guy says taking out his phone. After some time he gives it to me. I hear a soft hello from the other end and let out a sigh of relief.

"Lee? Oh my god, are you okay? Where are you? Who are these people? Why didn't you contact me!?" I mumble rapidly. I feel many emotions at once: anger, fear, frustration, relief.

" Woah, Woah, Woah Leah. Slow down,"I hear a dry chuckle from the other end." I'm fine. They have kept me in this huge house. I don't know where it is, I had been knocked out on the way to this place. It's not like a prison. They are treating me well. I've got Netflix here and they give me nice food.  Nerida is kind as long as you listen to her. Dylan's good. They have been sent on a mission of some kind. I'm fine Leah, really. But what are you doing on Dylan's phone? Stay away from them, Leah. These people are.... different. Just take care of yourself. Don't do anything stupid." Lee says through the phone.

" I won't. I'm not that stupid. At least I didn't get myself kidnapped" I say angrily.

" I know, I know. Just, promise me you will stay away from them Leah, promise me" he says.

" Too late" saying this I hang up. I can't believe he said that. Telling me not to try to come looking for me is like telling me to give up on him. Which is impossible.

"Happy? Now do our job."Nerida says.

"Yeah fine I'll do it."I say.

"Cool. Do you want me to give a ride home?" Dylan asks. I glance at Nerida.

"Don't worry about her she won't need a ride," Dylan says. I nod and turn around.

" Okay, we are leaving. Bye Nerd" Dylan says with a smirk, looking at Nerida. She glares at him. Dylan places his hand on my left elbow and gently pushes me through the crowd to the door. We step out.

He tells me to wait near the door, while he gets his bike. I nod and he leaves. I stare at the seashore right in front of the Cascadia. I look at the vast ocean stretching towards the horizon. The sun shines brilliantly in the sky, painting the turquoise sea, golden. Seagulls cackle in the distance, flying over the stretch of sea.

I hear someone honk from behind. I snap back to see a black bullet in front of me. A gorgeous one. It shines under the golden rays of the sun.

Dylan sits on it. I walk to the bullet and sit on it. I place my hands on his shoulders.
"Let's go"

" Thanks for the ride, Dylan," I say when he comes to a stop in front of my house.

"So you know my name," he says smiling.

That's progress.

A voice rings in the back of my head.
I gasp. That was Dylan's voice. But he didn't say anything, did he?

"What's  wrong?" Dylan asks.

"Nothing. I need to leave bye"

I quickly run to my house and I get in. I climb up the stairs, open my room and practically throw myself on the bed. I think about all the things that went wrong today, all the things that I should have done and I didn't. I sigh.
Then I remember the dream I had last night. My mom. She had said something. Some line in some language. I close my eyes and try to remember what she said. I remove my phone and type it out on the translator. When it gets translated, I gasp.

Cave tenebris Aquas

Beware of the wrath of the sea.

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