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It had been years since she had heard a good news. This was one.

She stood near the prison's window peering out at the marine world, wondering so much of it humans  have yet to discover. So much beauty and so much danger. She wasn't hopeless now in the cell. She wasn't tired. She was angry. Angry of being held captive and being treated poorly.

She had heard from the cell beside her that Kai had died;the only representative of Kaldis had died. Someone had taken over, though she didn't know who. The stone basin hadn't moved in a while and she had become suspicious. But the death of the king never mattered to her.

She heard someone bang against the prison bars and turned around. Two sillhouttes were visible oustide, both wearing bronze armour that shined in the dim light.

"Are you a prisoner here?" One of them asked.

"No I just thought fishes could be seen better from inside the cell." She said rolling her eyes.

"Fine. We are sent by the king of Marinus to free the prisoners here who once belonged to Marinus. Their trials will be conducted there and will be punished by Marinus's rules. If they are guilty that is." The other guard said. He looked at the moving border between the water and the air.

"But you are human.What are you doing here." He asked . Many moments pass in silence she doesn't reply. She doesn't want to.

The guards bring up a fluorescent light that lights up the front part of the cage. She cowers back to the shadows. It had been a long time since she had been able to see some light.

"We said, why are you here? What did you do?" The guards asks.

"Nothing.  I was kidnapped." She says in a raspy voice.

"What's your name?" He says. A heavy silence hangs in the air. No one utters a word or says anything. She draws the dagger out of her pocket, which glints silver maliciously under the lights.

"These prisoners are starting to get on my nerves. What is you name." He asks a little louder.

"WHAT IS YOUR NAME?!" The guard shouts his voice booming through the entire corridor.

She throws the dagger across the cell and it hits the guard in the throat. He falls to the ground as his body spasms. The other guard looks at his writhing body  in horror.

"I will not tolerate being shouted at." She says walking into the light her hazel eyes glimmering with rage.

The guard shouts and throws a dagger at her but it swerves in the other direction with a flick of her wrist. He looks at her with wide eyes full of horror and starts backing away. She picks up the dagger and throws it at his chest. It pierces through it as he falls down silently. She smiles.

"And my name is Isla. Isla Lynn"

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