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I feel someone's hand pulling me back.

Don't stop. I hear someone say in my head.


I jerk out of the trance and feel someone's arms around me. I dig my elbows into that person's stomach with as much force as possible and try to shrug him off.

"Leah it's me! It's Dylan."

I stop dead.

His arms leave my sides. Though it made me uncomfortable, there is a part of me that screams for them to come back.

I turn around and look into his eyes.

His eyes. They are just.


I think I have a thing for eyes.

Am I staring too long....

I walk away from him even though I don't want to.

"Are you fine? You almost killed yourself." Dylan says quietly. He sounds tired.

"yeah I don't know what happened." I say.

We stand there in silence for some time. I don't mind it. I like listening to the rhythmic waves. Their sound is soothing. I wonder how would it feel like inside them....

"Wait." I hear Dylan say.

I snap out of it again. I sigh looking down.

"It happened again. You were going right back in. Let's just go sit on the beach. Far away from the shore. So that you don't go running back into the water." He says.

I nod and we start walking away from the sea. Everything, from my blue bracelet, to my maroon nail polish, stands out in the black sand. It isn't gritty to touch as I expected, but softer than any other sand I have stood on. We find a spot halfway to the hut and settle there. I lie down on my back, placing my head on my arms, and look at the sky. I hear Dylan lie down beside me as well.  A thought that hasn't left my mind since the past 30 minutes pops in my head again.

"So you guys will leave tomorrow." I ask randomly.

"Yeah, guess so." Dylan says.

" will you miss Lucerne?" I ask.

" yes I will." He says.

" what will you miss about it?" I ask.

"Somethings ." He says.

"Like what?" I ask.

I hear him chuckle.

"Why don't you come straight to the point Leah ? You are asking me if I will miss you or not." He says.

"Yes I am" I say.

I hear him shift around and I turn to face him. The smile on his face fades and he looks at me seriously.The moonlight brings out the angles of his face, the sharp cut of his jawline, his perfectly sharp cheekbones and makes his face look pale and unnatural. The light makes his eyes shine a ghastly dark blue, which would have been scary in other circumstances.
Now it's just.

"I will miss you the most, Cordelia Lynn." He says quietly.
My eyes widen as he leans in closer. I feel a chill run down my spine. My hearts starts beating faster. I feel the warmth spread to my face and the blood rush in. The sound of the waves drowns in the noise of my heart beating.
Is this really happening?

"Tam pulchar" I hear him whisper.

" I don't know what that means but..." I stop as I notice him pulling back.

But I can't .

I gasp.

I heard him thinking.

" I can't Leah." He says out aloud after some time, jerking away from me. He turns back and faces the sky. His eyes shine in the light.
" I can't I'm sorry" he says.

Why? Is the first question I get. I want to ask so many things. But I can't.

I don't know how to react to this or what to say. I just look at him with my wide eyes.

I feel empty.

Before the anger fills in.

What does he think of himself?Jerk. Never should have let myself believe that he was a good guy.

I stand up suddenly and deliberately. I dust off the sand on my clothes in his direction, right above his face. I feel like a child doing this, but I don't care. I just want him to suffer.

" I should probably go inside. I'm sure they will be worrying about me inside. You know they care about me. But what would you know about caring? Jerk." I say as I storm off, kicking at random rocks as I walk towards the hut. I feel hurt, but mostly I feel anger surging through me. I hear the thunder rumble in the sky.

The storms here.

Just as I enter the hut, it starts pouring down heavily. It is dim inside as it's just illuminated by 4 candles placed at the corners. I see lee and Nerida placing the palm leaves on the floor.

"We were waiting for you to came back." Nerida says as she looks up and sees me.

"We have to decide where everyone is going to sleep. Llyr will be there in the corner with his rug. Where do you want to sleep?"

"Between you and Llyr." I say.

" yeah but it will be better if you sleep beside me and Dylan be-." Nerida says.

"Nowhere near Dylan." I say in a clear loud voice.
Just then, Dylan walks in and everyone looks at him. He is completely drenched from the rain outside. Rain drops fall down from his long lashes and his eyes look swollen. He looks at me apologetically. I give him the deadliest glare that I can summon and go sit on the leaf beside Llyr. It feels cold and unhygienic on the floor, but it doesn't matter. Nor do I care. I blow off the candle nearest to me and close my eyes.
I hear someone lie down beside me and I turn around to look at Lee.

Relief spreads through me.

I almost thought it was Dylan.
And I was about to kill him.

"Are you fine?" Lee asks.

" yeah I'm good" I say

" you are pissed."

" yes I am. Now sleep."

" okay good night."


I say closing my eyes wishing for Dylan to get out of my life once and for all.

But somewhere deep in my heart.

I know I will miss him.

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