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"To sum it up, you just saw this really lovey-Dovey  scene in your mind of your mother flirting with a guy and you are not creeped out by that?" Lee says sitting in the backseat in the car, as we drive to the beach.

"No, it was not cringy. It felt pure and true." I say, although I feel like I just walked out of  a romantic movie.

"Great. You are being cringe now. Quick question, do these visions affect you physically or mentally? Like I have never seen you into such lovey dovey stuff."

" yeah, I do have feelings if that's what your asking." I snap back.

"Calm down. I believe you.it's just funny" lee says laughing. A few seconds later we all burst out.

"But how do you know this place. Sounds like a secret, how would you know." Lee asks once the laughter subsides.

" I had a dream I didn't tell you guys about. I didn't think it was important, but turns out it was. No actually I had two dreams I didn't tell you about. I had the first one the night lee was kidnapped; the night I met you guys for the first time. I saw my mom. She gave me this weird warning, about the daughters of ægir returning to avenge the one with the sight."

"Daughters of ægirs are the gods of the mers. They were the ones who made Atlantis . One of the seven sisters made Marinus. We do have a statue of her there. The ones with the sight are the psychics. Your mother knew about the war about to happen between them." Nerida says.

"She even said something like 'cave tenebris aquas'. I don't understand which language it is in." I say

"Latin. It means beware of the wrath of the sea. Wonder what that means. Or who that means." Dylan says slowly.

"But how will my mom know about him? I'm confused." I say

"Guess we'll find out. But this doesn't explain how you know this place we're going to." Nerida says.

" I got another dream. One in which I was on a beach where the sand was completely black. It was beautiful. And remember what Llyr said in the dream? 'Where midnight sky sees its reflection'. Midnight sky is black. Black sand. The only people who would know if there is a black beach around are the sailors. Hence we are going to the coast."

"Smart. We're almost there." Dylan says pulling up behind a car.

I open the door and slide out. The sun shines down upon us and I feel the salty ocean breeze on my face. I love coming to the beach so much. We walk through a small path made by footsteps surrounded by palm trees to reach the main beach. I remove my slides somewhere in between and step on the soft golden sand. I dig my toes in the sand and just stand there for some time.

"Are you going to stand here for the rest of the day?" Lee says laughing.

"Just let me be." I say.

"We are leaving anyways bye." Lee says.

I stand there for the next five minutes and run to catch up with them later. I find them standing near a man in a loose white shirt and loose khaki pants.

Looks like a sailor.

"...it will take a lot of time. Anyone who has motion sickness will not enjoy it. Also can you give a more accurate description of the place you want to go to." He says.

"It's an island having black sand. It's small having little plant life but it's beautiful."I say trying to remember as much as possible.

He looks at me for some time and says.
"Yeah.  I know this place. It's called the night island. There aren't many people who want to go there. I can take you there but it will take a lot of time." He says.

"That's fine. Let's go. We'll pay you once we return alive." Lee says.

Lucerne's sunset is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

The sky looked like it was splashed with paints of orange,pink and red. The pink cotton candy clouds drifted about, away from the darkness of the sea below. I feel the small droplets of ocean water brought by  the ocean breeze on my face and I take a deep breath of the salty air. Looking behind, I see the milky trail of froth left behind by our speedboat and beyond it, the horizon. Nothing else. No land for miles, only water all around. Somehow, I feel at peace in the middle of the ocean.

"How much more time will it take?" Lee asks.

"You said you were okay travelling this long." I

"It's getting boring." He says.

"I know." I say.

I see Dylan standing near the edge of the ship looking down at the water. I walk towards him.

"Do you miss marinus?" I ask.

"Yeah. I miss the marinus  we had when king Llyr was there. Now it's just not the same. It's sad honestly."He says.

"It's gonna be okay I promise."I say trying to sound optimistic.

Dylan looks at me and gives me a sad smile. I smile back at him. I'm just about to say something else when the sound of the engine decreases.

"We're here." He says.

He decreases the engine further. Once the speed boat stops,  I walk to the front and look out.

A wave of déjà-vu hits me hard.

The place is exactly like I had seen.

The sand was completely black, without any plant or any kind of rock in the middle. Just plain fine  black sand.

I look straight ahead and I see a forest of lush green pine trees. They stand out against the black sand. They look creepy.

I walk toward the edge of the boat and jump into the shallow water. It feels cool arond my toes and I feel a prickly sensation at the back of my neck. I hear another splash and I turn to see Dylan walking towards the land. Slowly everyone gets off and we start walking towards the other end of the beach. As we slowly walk towards the end, I strangely notice another pair of footsteps ahead of me.

"Guys, there is someone living here." I say slowly.

"What kind of a person would live in a deserted island having black  sand. I think this one's depressed." Lee says

"Let's just keep moving we will find out soon."

We reach the end and turn around the corner of the island.

And we freeze.

Not so far ahead, We see a wooden hut at the border of the forest and a fire burning a bright orange against black sand.

A tall man having broad muscular shoulders and a perfectly built body stands there. His pale blond short  hair flies  around his face in the air and he is cooking something over the fire. As if sensing us , he looks up.

Even from this distance I see his familiar face and blue green eyes.

A gasp escapes my mouth.

"My king"  Nerida breathes as she and Dylan bend down.



Hi! I just wanted add this note because some people might be wondering what the title means. Well it means 'my king'. Seemed cool at the time, now it doesn't lol.

I really want to travel to Italy and France again. I miss Paris so much. Currently I'm trying to learn a French song and well, failing miserably someone pls teach me lol.


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