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But how is that possible?

I think to myself.

"Our best guess is that Isla married someone else once Llyr left and then had you." Nerida adds.

Why didn't she tell me this?
I wonder to myself.
Of course no one would have believed her if she told them about mermaids but I would have, I was her daughter.

"Leah, can we ask for a favour?" Dylan says.

"Yep, sure" I reply, curious.

" Can we go to your house? We just need to go through Isla's old stuff.Just in case we come across anything related Llyr. Maybe he told her about the weapon. We can't leave without looking at every little detail that might suggest something." Dylan asks me.

"Yeah sure, we can go. But for that, you'll have to tell me where we are so that I know the way-"

"That's not an issue. We know where you live." Dylan says smiling.

"Yeah right. Stalkers." I say.

"It's our job" he says shrugging.

We leave the kitchen and walk up to our rooms.I go into mine and realise I don't have clothes to change into. I look around in frustration and see a wardrobe.

Dylan's wardrobe.

I walk towards it and open it.

Three stacks of crisply folded clothes lie there. I almost  feel unbearable to watch such a neat wardrobe, it  looks untouched. I try my best to go through the stacks carefully. I find a plain black T-shirt and put it on. It's loose but it looks good. I leave the room and go to Nerida's room. I find her standing in front of the mirror, applying something to her eyes.

"Is that an eyeliner?" I ask.

" yeah, is that what it's called? I wanted try some human beauty products. Turns out they are not that bad. Well of course humans will produce beauty products properly. They value fake beauty so much."Nerida says still peering into the mirror.

"Yes we do. I know we should'nt. But it gives people confidence and satisfaction about themselves, that's enough reason to wear it." I say.


"By the way, What are we going to do at my house?" I say

"We told you, we are looking for clues or hints that might suggest where the weapon is." She says.

"And you have no clue about how the weapon looks or how you are gonna use it?" I asked a little irritated.

"Nope" she says.

I sigh and walk towards the bed. I find a pair of light blue denim jeans and I take it to the washroom with me. I remove my sweats and put it on. It's super skinny.

" why are your jeans so tight?" I say coming out of the bathroom, fidgeting with the jeans.

"Skinny jeans are hot. Isn't that the trend here?" She says still facing the mirror.

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