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I feel the blood drain away from my face.

I had been ready for a fight but not for this. I see Nerida come and stand beside from the corner of my eye. Slowly, each one of the remaining fidelists come forward, bravely facing their fates. Having all these people beside me, makes me better but I'm scared nonetheless. Kai looks like a monster straight out of a thriller movie. He lets out a high pitched laugh sounding like a maniac. It magnifies in the huge room and sends chills through my body.

"Are you going to fight me kids? Don't you see what I have done to your other friends? Clearly they were the stronger lot. Yet here they stand." He says indicating the other group.

Dylan looks at me in the eye. He doesn't seem scared. There is an odd blank expression on his face. But his eyes seem to sparkle, desperate to say something. I don't know how huge the range of my psychic abilities is, but Dylan is surely too far away.

"I had summoned my guards the minute I saw you had escaped. I knew you would foolishly venture out to try and dethrone me. I knew your intentions even before you realised them yourself. Let's just say I had some help.I thought-.." Kai's voice simmers down in my head and I concentrate on Dylan. I try not to make it too obvious, looking around the room once in a while. I had almost given up, when I hear a low muffled voice in the distance. I concentrate on it.


I gasp. It's working. I never thought my abilities would be that strong. 

I can hear you Dylan.

I look at Dylan and after a while his head jerks up and his eyes widen. It's working.
Most of the guards are on this side of the room. There are only a few on your side. Use your power Leah. You are stronger than you think.

I look around and he's right. There are hardly any guards on our side compared to the number of guards holding them and protecting Kai. I look up and I see Kai looking right at me.

"You know, I thought you would be smart Cordelia. Considering how gifted your mother was." He says showing is crooked smile.

All of my attention is brought back to Kai when I hear him mention my mother. I forget about everything for a while. "How do you know her?" I ask him in a shaky voice.

"Of course I know her. Isla Lynn. Beautiful lady. Died in a car accident didn't she?" He says smiling.

"What are you trying to say?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Clearly you have you have your fathers brains. Come on Cordelia, car accident? Really? Give me some credit." He says with a glint to his eye. "I killed her Cordelia. I killed your mother."

Rage fills within me like molten magma. I don't understand anything that is going on, all I know is anger. Everything becomes a blur, only thing clear to me is that Kai has to die, today, now, at this moment.
"I killed everyone you had and I can easily kill you now. There is no point in fighting me Cordelia. I can kill your father with something as simple as a flick of my hand. I'm the king of the most powerful kingdom of the seven seas. You think I will be defeated by a handful of adolescents?" He says. He slowly moves his head side to side in dismay.
It will feel so good to cut that small head off his body.

"You kids are talented. You are strong. You have been in the wrong hands all this while. You have been on the wrong side. But I don't blame you. You still have time. You can be my courtiers, best of the best. You will get everything you've ever wanted in your life, power, respect, luxuries."

"I agree." I say in a clear voice. I see Nerida turn around and look at me. The hurt of betrayal along with surprise radiates in strong waves from her. But I need to put all the distractions away, concentrate on what I say now. "I agree. I have been fighting in vain all this while. I will be honoured if you appoint me to your coart. I'm on your side now."

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