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I sit in the dining room, blowing at the steaming tomato soup in the bowl in my hands.
Dylan had offered to make soup and he was surprisingly good at it; the soup was delicious. This was exactly what I had needed. I was mentally and physically exhausted.
My mind was fuzzy with confusion and I couldn't really process what had happened.
With the first sip of the hot soup, all the memories had flooded back, lastly the memory of Lee telling me he was half mer.

I had heard so many weird things in the past 24 hours but this was by far the weirdest and the most unbelievable. I had looked at their faces, staring at me carefully, gauging my reaction. I had given none. I was speechless. What happened next was a blur, I just remember that at some point Dylan had taken me to the kitchen and made us some soup.
We drank it in silence, everyone too shocked and tired from today's events.

I was told to wait for the rest of the story till tomorrow. I didn't argue with Nerida or Liam, it was too cruel of them to expect me to pass the night in so much suspense, but I was told that it was for my own good and I will thank them later.

"I'm going out for a nice evening walk. The weather outside is amazing."Lee muttered keeping his soup bowl on the table.

"I'll come with you" Nerida replied.

Lee nodded and they both left the kitchen. Dylan had left the kitchen at some point, so I was just left alone with my thoughts.

I leave the kitchen and walk upstairs to the room I had woken up in. I walk through the corridor towards the end of the corridor to the room I woke up in and I push open the door.
I freeze. Dylan stops halfway through taking his t-shirt off and looks at me. I almost bump my head into the door while turning around. I feel my cheeks heat and my hearts starts thumping faster.

Exactly what I needed.

"Who changes their clothes like that?" I say flushed with embarrassed.

"I don't know. I guess normal people change their clothes in their own rooms with their door closed. You should have seen the look on your face."I hear him say behind me with a laugh.

Urgh " I didn't know it was your room. I assumed it was mine since I slept here last night! Now tell me where to sleep?" I say almost shouting." And are you done?"

"Yup, you can turn around now. You can go to sleep in the attic." Dylan says. Although I can't see him, I know there is a grin on his face.

I turn around and find my intuition right. He is grinning in the same way as I imagined, his lopsided grin making dimples on one of his cheeks. I wonder how he looks so good while grinning. I'm sure I don't.

"Attic. Wow. Really looking forward to spending the night there."I say sarcastically.

"Or you could sleep in my room?" He says grinning even wider.

"Nope. Attic it is." I say turning around. Just before closing the door, I pop my head back in.
"Do lock your door this time," I say slamming the door. I start walking towards the stairs.

The lights on the next floor are switched off so it's dark. I switch on the flashlight on my phone and start climbing the stairs. Once I reach the landing, I find the dusty doorknob and turn it. I walk into the dark attic and look around. The air there is cooler and smells like the ocean. There is a small window in the attic that overlooks the sea. Maybe, This isn't that bad a place to spend the night in after all.
I look through the window and stare into the dark sea. The dark black waves entrance me with their periodic rise and fall.

It's beautiful

Yet terrifying.

A perfect facade for what lies within.

Terrifying creatures coming from the deep, hungry. I shudder, but not from the cold.

I hear someone knock from behind and I turn around. I bring my flashlight up and I see Dylan leaning against the door. He groans and brings up his hand to shield his face. I quickly move it away from his face.

"I really didn't think you wouldn't understand my joke. You can sleep in my room if you want, I'll go sleep on the couch." Dylan says.

I think about sleeping in the attic. I look around and see cobwebs and dust. The smell that now suddenly comes to my attention is not of the sea but of the dust and mildew.

"Yeah, okay," I say quietly.

Dylan turns around and starts walking back. Suddenly, a memory flashes in my mind.
I see the man with the sword; the one I saw in the morning and I hear him say something.

I've been in this world a lot longer than you have been Cordelia. Evian and Nerida, this is your punishment for not accomplishing your mission...

"Evian?" I say loudly.

I hear the footsteps come to an abrupt stop. There is silence for a beat and then I hear his hurried footsteps climbing up.

His face pops up in the door. I don't know if it's the light or something, but Dylan's face looks pale.

Or should I say Evian?

"How did you know?" He asks surprise evident in his voice.

"I'm Cordelia Lynn. I know everything."Now I'm the one grinning.

"Yeah of course," Dylan says rolling his eyes. "The man who... the one with the sword, said my name today right?"

"Yeah," I say.

"So you know my name is not really Dylan. It is Evian. I changed it to sound more human, you know what I mean?" He says sighing.

"Yeah," I say unable to say anything else.

"Let's just forget that okay? Quickly come down with me before I change my mind and let you sleep here." He says. And of course, he is grinning again.

Rolling my eyes, I follow.
Hey there! Thanks for reading my book.
Also, do you ship Leah and Dylan?
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