Prank wars?!?!

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They say their not dating! Pfffttttt lol doesn't go with the chapter but a decent kinda not song. Y'all know the drill 😂

I know what I'm doing is cruel but I had to. I was worried to death he was cheating and I was wanting to cry every time I blinked. I turned around having my face, face Denis. He was crying his eyes out. The flowers he had in his hands, dropped covered in sand. "Hey..." I said. My face scrunched up, not getting ready to cry though. "What?" He said crying his eyes out and sniffling a lot. "I'm kidding." I said. He looked up very confused. His face was blochy and red. "Yes! I LOVE YOU DENIS!!" I yelled running to him. Not gonna lie I started to laugh. "W why did you say no at first?" He asked confused. "Heh I thought you were cheating on me" I said. "So I wanted to get you back for making me cry most of this trip." I scratched my neck. Now that I think about it, I was being a really big jerk. "Why would I ever cheat on you? Is that what was wrong with you, all this time? Wait, did you think I was cheating on you with with..." I interrupted him "Lauren" I blurted out. "And yes, why else would Lauren be here. And the phone calls." I said. "Y/n, im so sorry! It was the flower company. There was complications and I needed to get it all fixed so I called them so much. I wanted everything to be perfect for you."

"I'm so sorry! I made you cry, I shouldn't have been so caught up with thinking you, of all people would ever cheat on me." I said. I feel really bad. I look down at the sand and look back up. Denis' face was red but he wiped off the tears and snot. Ew... "it's my fault. I should have told you. I had a slight feeling I was being suspicious like, but I shrugged it off" he said shrugged to emphasize the importance of the shrug. Dork, I laughed a little.

"Ok well lets get off this sad note." I ran up to him and kissed him. He kissed right back. We stood their for a few minutes and finally the sunset began. I pulled away and we sat on the blanket. I put my hand on his and looked up. What a perfect night, me and him ENGAGED!!!

Denis POV
I can't believe she thought I would ever cheat on her. I smiled to myself, I have the perfect thought. "Prank wars is on!" I whisper yelled in her ear. She looked at me with a terrified face. "Oh crap" she said back to me. I laughed and grabbed her hand, I went straight to the water. I picked her up and dunked her in, she came up for breath and stared at me. She got out of my grip and grabbed my hand dunking me in as well.

*hour later*

we were finally done in the water and we were soaked. We dried off and called an Uber to pick us up. "Ya know we have to leave tomorrow" I said with a slight frown. I didn't want to leave, "I know, we also have to figure out why my friends left so suddenly" she said. I started to think. Why would...

Why would my friends ever leave? I pulled out my phone, I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled up the group chat.

You - hey why'd y'all leave?

Aless - I'll tell you in person. When you get back from vacation meet me at your favorite restaurant. (Delete these messages)

I did what I was told and deleted the messages. What was so wrong that they couldn't tell me over text. They loved their boyfriends, and their shared house. I was so confused but then everything went dark.

I woke up the next morning next to Denis, I smiled and got up. I slowly crept to the bathroom so I wouldn't wake Denis. I took off my pajamas and got in the shower. Once I was done I got out and wrapped my body in a towel. I took the blow dryer out of the drawer and turned it on.

White stuff, with a flour consistency sprayed all over me. I screamed and Denis came rushing in, he looked at me and laughed. "Prank wars" he said. I was so mad at him, when he left I quickly rinsed the baby powder out of my hair and got my clothes on. I opened the door and walked out, Denis walked in. I had to get him back, but how??

HOLY CRAP!!! I have a great prank idea! But I have to wait until we're home

We stepped on the plane, carry on in hand. Good bye Hawaii!

The plane took off, zooming down the run way. The wheels went up and we were off in the clouds.

I heard a loud screech and noticed we were on the ground. I texted Elijah and Ethan to come pick us up, while we were waiting on them, we decide to go get some Mc Donald's. I got a mocha frappe with some fries. The best meal.

We got in the car, "so how was it?" Elijah asked while hugging me. He winked, I laughed and looked down at my ring. He looked down as well. "Beautiful! OUR LITTLE SIS IS ENGAGED TO OUR BEST FRIEND! Sounds like a rom com to me" I smiled, it sounds like a fantasy when you put it that way. "Congrats sis, were so happy for you" Ethan said and kissed my cheek, embracing me in a hug. I whispered to him "do you know the reason?" I said lightly, but I knew he knew what I meant. I need to know about my friends. He looked at me and frowned. I could see tears starting to form, he shook his head no.

We got back to the house and everybody embraced us in hugs. Kyleigh looked at my hand and screamed. "IM GONNA HAVE A BIG BROTHER!!!" I looked over to Elijah and Ethan, they were confused. "You have two, they're right here" Ethan said. "You all don't count" she said. "Uh" Elijah was clueless. I laughed and looked over to Denis, he smiled. Alex, Corl, and sub came over to us and congratulated us. I looked to Ethan, and he shook his head. I knew exactly what that shake meant. They didn't know either, only I'll know.

"So how was Hawaii?" Alex asked. "Well it was amazing, I think I made friends with Lauren on the plane. Then I met a sweet girl and she helped me vlog, then the scenery was so so beautiful, then I got engaged, then..." Denis cut me off. "Take breaths woman" he laughed. I just smiled at him. I looked back at everyone. "Then prank wars began and y'all are apart of it" I smirked an evil like smirk. They all looked so scared. "but" Elijah said but got cut off by Corl. "It's on" everyone laughed.

Elijah POV
I heard y/n say "I made friends with Lauren on the plane" there's only one Lauren that we would know about and thats the one who drugged Denis, almost killed them both, and did other terrible things. There has to be some kind of mistake, I'm going to get to the bottom of this. And find out what Lauren really wants.

After all the catch ups I decided to unpack. Once I was done, I thought. I have to go to my favorite restaurant. To meet Aless, for something terrible and could be life threatening. I mean why else would she be so scared. Why do I do this to myself? Oh yeah because I'm y/n and my life is an adventure! I grabbed the car keys and left, Denis grabbed my hand while I walking out the door. "Hey where are you going?" "I'll talk to you about it later, it's about you know what" I winked and kissed his cheek. Leaving to y/fr your favorite restaurant

When I got there I saw Aless at a table with some food. I walked over to her and sat down. "Tell. Me. Everything." I said in a serious tone. She began.


It's not as long as other chapters but I hoped you liked it. I wanted to end with it up to the restaurant or it might be a bit longer than I would want in one chapter. But that beginning was a nice twist right 😂😂 I'm gonna give a shout out in the next chapter cuz a new character will be added! And this person is a really good friend and loved this book! And I always love support!
Keep swinging monkeys ❤️

Words 1365

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