Question 575

294 4 12

(The next morning)

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(The next morning)

(Meggy woke up and felt cold.)

Meggy: Why is it suddenly cold... wait.

(Meggy looked down and realized she woke up naked again.)

Meggy: Oh, come on, again?! (face goes red)

Mario: (wakes up) What's wrong, Meggy...? (gets a nosebleed and immediately covers it) Mama mia! Your clothes! (gets out of the bed) Stay there, Meggy. If you get out of bed, there's a chance someone might take a picture of your nude body. I'll look for your clothes.

Meggy: Okay, Mario.

Mario: (starts looking in the drawers for Meggy's clothes, and finds them empty) Oh no! They've been stolen again! (smells something unusual) Do I smell smoke? (finds where the smell is coming from, being the ashes of all of Meggy's clothes burnt) Oh... oh no... (picks up a torn piece of one of Meggy's shirts and takes a picture of the ashes) This cannot be good. (runs back inside and towards his and Meggy's room) Meggy... something terrible has happened. (shows the picture of the ashes, along with the torn shirt piece)

Meggy: (gasps) Is that... my shirt?

Meggy (thoughts): T-that means... all of my clothes... are gone forever?!

Meggy: No... no no no... this can't be... I'm clothes-less... f-forever? (starts to shiver in fear and embarrassment) No! I don't wanna be embarrassed and naked for the rest of my life! (rapidly breathes in and out)

Mario: Meggy, please calm down! I know just the people who will cheer you u...

Meggy: I don't wanna be seen naked by anyone!

Mario: (hugs Meggy) Meggy... please... for me...

Meggy: (sigh) Okay. This is so terrible. Who did this horrible thing to me?

Mario: I don't know... but whoever did that... will suffer embarrassment worse that what you're feeling right now. (calls Infinite and Crystal)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now