Question 577

276 4 3

Meggy: Desti

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Meggy: Desti... did this to me? (starts to clench her fist)

Infinite: Meggy, don't do this. I don't want you to be exposed. I'll handle this.

(Infinite went over to SMG3 and Desti's underground base, took all of Desti's clothes, put all of them in a pile, and started to burn them with a lighter. Desti was still wearing the ones she's wearing right now.)

Desti: What the hell are you doing?!

(Infinite knocked Desti out by breaking an empty bottle on her head, and he took her to a large pole and tied her up to it. He saw Meggy running towards him in her Inkling-sized Blood Raven suit.)

Meggy: Infinite!

Infinite: Oh, Meggy! I see you're wearing the Blood Raven suit Reader gave you.

Meggy: Yeah. Guess Desti forgot that.

Infinite: Once she wakes up, help me feel the worst embarrassment she'll ever feel.

Meggy: I'm in.

(After a while, Desti woke up.)

Desti: What the?! Meggy, do I see clothes on you?!

Meggy: Yeah, this is my Blood Raven suit.

Desti: Damn, how did I miss that? (tries to move but can't) I can't move!

Meggy: It's time, Infinite.

Infinite: Desti... you burned all of Meggy's clothes... and now it's time for our revenge.

Desti: (face turns red) Wh-what do you mean?

(Meggy started slowly taking Desti's shorts off.)

Desti: EEP! (tries to cover herself or retrieve her shorts but can't because she can't move her arms) Why are you taking my clothes?!

Meggy: Exactly!

Desti: Ohh... can you please give me back my shorts?

Meggy: Never!

Infinite: And now for the next step. (takes off Desti's shirt and jacket)

Desti: You can't let me stay for long! My boyfriend will come and save me from this... embarrassment!

Infinite: (laughs) Oh, Desti. That won't be for a long time.

(Back in the Mushroom Kingdom, SMG3 was in a field of Eggman's after activating the pingas item.)


(Back to Inkopolis, Meggy and Infinite have successfully stripped Desti naked.)

Meggy: That felt really good.

(Desti was frantically trying to cover herself, but she can't.)

Desti: Get me out of here! I need clothing!

Infinite: We're gonna let you stay there... in front of all of these people.

Meggy: Have fun, Desti! (starts to walk away with Infinite)

Desti: Nooooo! Don't leave me here nude! (face turns extremely red)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now