Question 607

205 3 3

Meggy: Crystal's pregnant? That's awesome! I gotta tell my friends about this. (gets out her phone and texts her friends, including her husband)

Meggy (text): Guys! Infinite told me that Crystal's pregnant! The baby is due in nine months.

Mario (text): WHOA!

SMG4 (text): NANI?!

Tari (text): That's so awesome!

Luigi (text): Hey, that's a-pretty good!

Fishy Boopkins (text): Wow! I can't wait!

Bob (text): CoOl!

Saiko (text): Neat.

(She then texted all of her Inkling friends, and most of the responded with a surprised reaction, either "Cool!" or "Awesome!", or "Can't wait for the baby to come!".)

Meggy: Okay. Now everyone knows, and it looks like they're excited.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now