Question 680

217 3 39

Meggy: Don't worry, Laura

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Meggy: Don't worry, Laura. I'll go and find it. I promise to get it back.

(Both Pikachus ran towards Meggy and stood beside her.)

Both Pikachus: Pikachu!

Meggy: See? Both of my Pikachus are determined to find yours.

Laura: You have two of them?

Meggy: Yep. Ready, Pikachu? Let's go find Laura's little friend.

Both Pikachus: Pika!

(Meggy and the two Pikachus began their search for Laura's Pikachu.)

Meggy: It's gotta be around here somewhere.

Pikachu (Female): Piiiika...

(Suddenly, the female Pikachu got grabbed by a huge claw and taken into a Meowth balloon.)

Meggy: Pikachu!

Pikachu (Male): Pika!

(She recognized the Meowth balloon from anywhere. It was the one that belonged to Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket!)

Meggy: Team Rocket!

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: Make it double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all-

Meggy: Haven't I heard this before? Why are you reusing your motto?

Meowth: See? I told you we should change it up every time!

(Meggy saw Laura's Pikachu in a cage along with her female Pikachu too.)

Meggy: Give me back those Pikachu!

Meowth: You'll have to take it from our cold, dead hands!

Pikachu (Male): (does a Thunderbolt on the Meowth balloon) Pika... CHUUUUUUUUUUU!

(He shocked it, leaving the cage falling towards him and Meggy. She caught it just in time, as the balloon exploded in electricity.)

Team Rocket: Team Rocket's blasting off again!


Meggy: Great job, Pikachu! (opens the cage, leaving both female Pikachus jumping up and hugging her)

All Pikachus: Pika!

(She returned to the mansion and gave Laura's Pikachu back to her.)

Meggy: Here you go, Laura. It got stolen by a stupid team named Team Rocket, but my Pikachus and I came in to save her.

Laura: Thank you so much, Meggy! I missed you, Pikachu!

Pikachu (Female, Laura's): Pika pika!

Turlandb: We are so grateful of you, Meggy. If you need any help, let me know. Okay?

Meggy: Okay. See you later, Turco and Laura.

(Turco and Laura walked out the door.)

Meggy: Man, that was a lot of questions to go through. I'm tired. I think I'm gonna leave this for now. See you all later, everyone!

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now