Question 668

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Mario: Meggy! What happened to you? (hugs Meggy)

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Mario: Meggy! What happened to you? (hugs Meggy)

Meggy: (hugs back) I found myself seeing an Octoling by the name of Sarah being stabbed a lot by V, as Hooked ran up to her and held her body while she was about to die. That was frightening. (heard Hooked crying over in the other room and walks to him along with Mario)

 (heard Hooked crying over in the other room and walks to him along with Mario)

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Meggy: Poor Hooked...

Mario: So that was real. Sarah doesn't deserve it at all.

Meggy: Same here. Hooked is very sad because of it. I hope he cheers up soon.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now