Question 613

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Meggy: What the

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Meggy: What the...? Who are you?

Turlandb: Oh... hello. I'm Turlandb. I was just on my computer, but it started to shake and open a portal, which lead to here.

Meggy: That's a little odd and weird. I hope there's a way to get you back home soon. For now, nice to meet you, Turlandb. I'm Meggy.

Mario: It's a-me, Mario!

Turlandb: Nice to meet you both.

Meggy: You wanna be our friend?

Turlandb: Really? Well... sure! I would love to be your friend!

(Mario and Meggy smiles and shakes hands with Turlandb.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now