Question 700!

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Meggy: We did it, everyone! We made it to question 700! Let's see what this next big question is.
(looks at the question)

Meggy: Of course we'll help you, Turco

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Meggy: Of course we'll help you, Turco.

Mario: (walks in)
What's going on, guys?

Infinite: (teleports in)
We got another person to defeat?

Turlandb: Yep. Anthony77 and his robots and minions are trying to kill me and Jen. They're very strong, so we need all of you to use all your power so we can defeat him.

Infinite: Got it.
(turns Ultra Instinct)
Jackal's Wrath x10!
(activates Jackal's Wrath)

Meggy: Ready, Mario?


(The Chaos Emeralds circled around Mario and Meggy, as they turned into Super Mario and Super Meggy.)

UIJWx10 Infinite: I feel... so... powerful!
(grabs his sword)

Super Mario: Wow! I never tried this form before!
(grabs his box of power-up, along with his weapons)

Super Meggy: I knew you'd like it, Mario.
(grabs her weapons)

Crystal: (runs in)
I heard everything you said. Let's do this!
(turns to Werewolf Crystalonetta)

UIJWx10 Infinite: (starts to blush hard and nosebleeds a little)

Werewolf Crystalonetta: (giggles)
There he goes again.

Super Mario (thoughts): Infinite's got a huge boner now!

Turlandb: (turns Super)

CoolGirlJen19: (runs in and turns Super too)

Super Turlandb: Ready, everyone?

Super Mario: Yes!

Super Meggy: Of course!

UIJWx10 Infinite: I was born ready!

Werewolf Crystalonetta: I'm ready to take that Anthony down!

Super CoolGirlJen19: I sure am, sweetie.
(kisses Super Turlandb on the cheek)

Super Turlandb: (blushes)
Thanks, Jen. Let's do this!

(UIJWx10 Infinite teleported everyone to where Anthony77 is, and they saw him levitating in the air, with all his robots and minions on the ground.)

Anthony77: Oh... you're back, I see. Attack, my minions!

(Anthony77's robots and minions started getting ready to attack.)

Super Turlandb: Mario! Meggy! Infinite! Crystal! Take care of the minions! Jen and I will deal with Anthony.

Super Meggy: Got it!

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now