Question 666

175 4 5

Meggy: What the heck?! That's impossible! I thought Ferren wasn't a bad guy!

Ferren: (runs in the house with a few demons by his side) Yeah, but I'm a truly evil clone of him!

Meggy: Oh no! (starts running from the demons)

Mario: Meggy, what's wro-OH MY GOD! (runs with her) MAMA MIAAAAAAAA!

(The demons were chasing Mario and Meggy and they caught up with them and grabbed Meggy.)

Mario: MEGGY!

Ferren: Say goodbye to your soul again, Meggy!

Mario: Get your hands off my wife!

Ferren: (shoves Mario over to a wall and knocks him out)

Meggy: MARIO!

Ferren: (grabs Meggy by the head and starts slowly taking her soul)

Meggy: No, please don't take my soul again! Infinite! Crystal! Anybody! Help me!

(To be continued)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now