Question 673

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(Meggy went through the four floors as fast as she can

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(Meggy went through the four floors as fast as she can. She jumped and avoided the spikes, reflects the lasers with her Knight Armor of Worthyness, and defeated the Burst and Frenzy Boss with all her power quickly. She made it up to the roof, as the fear of her husband kidnapped made her activate Jackal's Wrath, and she transformed into Super Meggy too.)

JW Super Meggy: Turco!

Turlandb: (turns around to see Meggy in her forms) Ah, Meggy. Man, you went through those quickly. Time for us to fight. (shoots lightning at Meggy)

JW Super Meggy: (reflects the lightning with her Knight Armor of Worthyness by not moving at all)

Turlandb: What?!

JW Super Meggy: That's right! Let go of my husband! (starts dealing a load of attacks and damage to Turlandb)

(5 minutes later...)

JW Super Meggy: (defeats Turlandb) And... done. (turns to normal and frees Mario from the cage)

Mario: (hugs Meggy tightly) Thank you so much!

Meggy: You're very welcome, my Mario.

CoolGirlJen19: Congratulations! You passed the test!

Turlandb: You do love Mario that much. Great job, Meggy.

Meggy: Out...

Turlandb: Excuse me? Why?

Meggy: You... turned our house... into a huge death trap... and kidnapped my husband... just for a test?!

CoolGirlJen19: Ohhhhhh... I think we messed up bad...

Mario: Get out of here!

Meggy: Clean this mess and get back to your mansion!

Turlandb: O-okay...

CoolGirlJen19: We're very sorry, Meggy...

Mario: Just go.

(Turlandb and CoolGirlJen19 cleaned their death trap up and walked outside the mansion in shame.)

Meggy (thoughts): Now they'll never harm my husband ever again.

Mario: (gives Turlandb and CoolGirlJen19 the middle finger)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now