Question 576

262 4 9

Infinite: Crystal, what's going on?

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Infinite: Crystal, what's going on?

Crystalonetta: Meggy's clothes have been burned!

Infinite: Wait, WHAT?! (gets off of Crystalonetta's arms and teleports them both to Mario and Meggy's mansion)

Mario: Infinite. Crystal. Thank goodness you're here. (hugs Infinite and Crystal and takes them to Meggy's room, where Meggy was still in bed with the blankets covering her body)

Meggy: Don't look at me.

Infinite: (face turns red) Oh my god.

Crystal: This is terrible.

Mario: I brought you two here because, well, you two are our closest friends, and you always calm the both of us down.

Crystalonetta: But... she's not wearing any clothes.

Meggy: I can't believe I'm saying this, but... it's okay. You two can sit on the bed, and not crawl in the bed.

Infinite: Oh... okay.

(Infinite and Crystalonetta sat on the bed beside Meggy and tried to calm her down, while Infinite was trying to think of a solution to Meggy's horrible problem.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now