Question 588

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Mario: Huh? What the

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Mario: Huh? What the... f*ck just happened? Hey, Meggy? (no answer) Meggy! (still no answer) Meggy?! (starts finding Meggy)

Meggy (thoughts): Huh? What just happened?

(Meggy tried to move, but she can't.)

Meggy (thoughts): What the?! I can't move! I can't speak! I can only move my eyes! What's going on here?! Mario, please come here.

Mario: (finds Meggy on the floor as if she's dead) OH GOD! MEGGY! (runs over to Meggy) Meggy, are you alright?! (looks at Meggy's eyes as the only thing of her moving)

Meggy (thoughts): Mario, thank goodness you're here.

Mario: Meggy, what happened to you?! What is going on?!

(Futaba, Infinite, Crystal, and Luna, who were playing a game from Meggy's gigantic game collection, heard the noise and started to run to see what's going on.)

Infinite: Mario, what's going on?

Mario: Look at Meggy! (shows Meggy's unconscious (except for her eyes and mind) body)

Infinite: Oh my god, Meggy!

Futaba: No! My best friend!

Crystal: Oh no!

Luna: This is terrible! What happened to her?!

Meggy (thoughts): Aw man. If only there was some way I could communicate with them so I can tell them what happened!

(Luna heard what Meggy was saying in her head.)

Luna: (gasps) Guys! I heard something coming from Meggy!

Mario: Really?

Luna: Yes. It's from her thoughts.

Meggy (thoughts), Mario, Futaba, Infinite, and Crystal: You can read minds?!

Luna: Yep! Now, Meggy. Tell me what happened.

Meggy (thoughts): But... can everyone else hear me?

Mario: Aww, why can't we hear Meggy? I need to hear my wife's voice!

Crystal: There has to be some way to hear what she's saying in her mind.

Infinite: Yeah, something like a... mind reader.

Mario: I got it. Francis is a smart scientist, and Reader is great in making stuff. Maybe with their combined skills, they can create a mind reader so Meggy can tell us what happened!

Meggy (thoughts): Wow.

Infinite: Mario... that's a great idea!

Futaba: I know you're retarded, but you still make some great ideas.

Crystal: We need to know what happened to our friend so we can save her!

Mario: Sorry for leaving you, Meggy, but I gotta help Infinite and Crystal save you!

Meggy (thoughts): It's okay, Mario. It's so nice of you to save me.

Luna: She said it's okay. I'll stay here so she'll have someone to talk to while you, mom, and dad tell Francis and Reader to make that mind reader.

Mario: Okie dokie! You're gonna be okay soon, Meggy. I promise. (starts running towards the castle with Infinite and Crystal)

Luna: Meggy... (hugs Meggy) I feel so bad for you.

Meggy (thoughts): (starts to cry)

Meggy: (sheds a real tear)

Luna: Don't cry, Meggy. I'm right here.

Futaba: So am I. (hugs Meggy)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now