Question 644

237 4 13

Meggy: (starts to continuously dab) What the heck?!

Mario: (walks outside) Alright, alright, what's going on here? (sees Meggy dabbing) SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP!

Meggy: Mario, make it stop!

Dr. Eggman: I am the best! I am the best!

Mario: (growls and starts to fly at Eggman)

Dr. Eggman: Huh?! (starts getting attacked by Mario while screaming, as he drops his dab gun, destroying it, and freeing Meggy)

Meggy: Thank you, Mario!

Mario: (continues to struggle with Eggman) GET THE F*CK OUT OF HERE! (uses his Golden Thunderstrike Gloves to punch Eggman and launch him far away and runs back to Meggy)

Meggy: (kisses Mario just as he arrived) It felt horrible... and now my arms are sore from dabbing a lot of times.

Mario: (carries Meggy to bed) You should rest those arms, Meggy. I'll be here for you.

Meggy: (blushes and smiles) Thanks, my sweet husband.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now