Question 675

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Meggy: Turco, why are you doing this?

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Meggy: Turco, why are you doing this?

Turlandb: Because you kicked us out!

Mario: Yeah! For kidnapping me and turning our house into a death trap that you made y sweet Meggy go through!

(The Color Powers finished powering up.)

Turlandb: All done. (starts shooting his Color Powers towards Mario and Meggy)

Mario and Meggy: (scream)


Turlandb: Huh? Who said that?

(The mysterious figure is revealed to be Infinite. He deflected the Color Powers before it could hit Mario and Meggy, and it disappeared into nothingness.)

Turlandb: What are you doing here, Infinite?

(Mario and Meggy hid behind Infinite while holding each of his arms.)

Infinite: Get your hands off of Mario and Meggy! They did nothing wrong! The only wrongdoers are you two for letting them go through your death trap and teleporting them to your world just so you can attack them! That's not nice at all! Can you treat this lovely couple with respect from now on, please? No more fighting... or else I have to go all Jackal's Wrath x10 on you.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now