Question 683 Continuation x4

178 3 8

(Mario and Meggy were holding each other while crying.)

Mario: I don't want everyone to try to kill us!

Meggy: Me too...!

Infinite: Mario... Meggy... (walks up to them and hugs them as tight as he could) Your friends, including me, are not thinking of killing you two. Please don't cry. I think you two are just too paranoid about three events at close to the same time that got you two almost killed. Just a huge... and horrible coincidence. I don't want you two to be sad and traumatized. I want you to be as happy as can be. My family and I will protect you whenever danger comes... always. If you're in huge danger, just call us over, and we'll be there quickly. Understand?

Mario and Meggy: *sniff* Okay...

(They hugged Infinite back tightly and continued to cry a little bit.)

Infinite: Shhhhh... it's okay. I'm here. I just gotta deal with-

Lost: (walks in the room)

Infinite: Oh, there you are. Why did you shoot at them? They're traumatized thanks to you!

Lost: Infinite... it's not their fault! It's mine...

Infinite: Huh?

Infinite: Just for a horrible movie? Well

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Infinite: Just for a horrible movie? Well... I forgive you. Just don't act this horribly when you see a movie that bad ever again, Lost.

Lost: Okay, Infinite.

(Lost, Turlandb, Crystal, and Luna walked to Mario and Meggy, promised not to kill them ever, and hugged them too.)

Infinite: We'll stay beside you tonight... just so you two will have nice friends right beside you.

Mario and Meggy: Thank you so much.

Infinite: No problem, you two.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now