Question 594

232 4 1

Meggy: That's awesome, Infinite! I'm in.

Mario: Me too.

Infinite: Alrighty. However... the only way to achieve Jackal's Wrath... is through... intense pain.

(Mario and Meggy were a little surprised at this.)

Mario: I guess it's the only way, so... f*ck it. Let's a-go!

Meggy: I'm still in.

Infinite: I don't wanna hurt you guys, so... I gotta bring in someone else. (calls Francis over and tells him what he needs to do)

Francis: Well... fine. I'll heal your wounds afterwards, you two.

Mario: Okay.

(Francis got out his weapons.)

Francis: Alright... *sigh* let's do this.

(Infinite left the room, as Francis began to beat up and attack Mario and Meggy. They were starting to feel pain, and it started to get bigger and bigger. They tried to go through the pain, but that's almost failing. Infinite hated what he was hearing and tried to ignore it. Francis then got out his sword, thinking it'll be the breaking point, and he cut Mario and Meggy with it. They started to feel different, and they started to transform a little. They became rage forms of themselves. They have finally achieved Jackal's Wrath.)

JW Mario: We did it!

JW Meggy: We've achieved Jackal's Wrath!

Francis: Infinite! They did it!

(Infinite walked back in the room to see Mario and Meggy with their achieved Jackal's Wrath.)

Infinite: Wow! That's awesome! Great job, Francis!

Francis: No problem. See ya-

JW Mario: Not so fast, Francis. Iiiiiii'm about to whip somebody's ass!

Francis: Oh shit.

(JW Mario and JW Meggy started to beat up Francis for what he did, as they launched him out of the mansion.)

Infinite: Wow! Awesome job! You two have become so powerful!

JW Mario and JW Meggy: Thanks, Infinite.

(Once they changed back, they started to not feel so good because of the wounds Francis gave them, and they fell over unconscious.)

Infinite: Mario! Meggy! (picks up Mario and Meggy and takes them to where Francis is) I gotta bring them to Francis quick! They're knocked out!

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now