Question 600!

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Meggy: We're at question 600! Thank you all for helping me get this far. I appreciate it. Let's see what the big question is.
(looks at the question)
They made a Metal Gear?! Damn. Mario, come with me. We gotta save the Mushroom Kingdom!

Mario: Okie dokie!
(starts running to the Mushroom Kingdom with Meggy)

Infinite: (sees Mario and Meggy arriving)
Mario! Meggy! Thank goodness you two are here.

Crystalonetta: We gotta save the Mushroom Kingdom from that huge Metal Gear!

MXR SMG3: Think you can stop us?!

MXR Desti: Get ready to lose!

Meggy: Thank goodness it's not our universe's SMG3 and Desti.

Mario: Get ready to die!

Infinite: You go first, sweetie.

Crystalonetta: Okay, Infinite. Get ready to be defeated, you fiends!
(started to use her Witch Time to run over to the Metal Gear and start attacking it)

MXR SMG3: What is the meaning of this?!

Crystalonetta: You think you can stop a fast-moving tall wolf? Think again!
(was about to break the glass, but it didn't break, and hurt her hand on it instead)
(holds her hurting hand)

Infinite: Crystal, are you okay?

MXR Desti: Now's our chance!
(uses the Metal Gear to grab Crystalonetta and throw her on the ground)

Mario, Meggy, and Infinite: Crystal!

MXR SMG3: (laughs along with Desti)
Bulletproof glass; I'm glad it works!

MXR Desti: Same here.

(Infinite ran over to Crystalonetta.)

Infinite: Are you okay?!

Crystalonetta: (coughs)
I-I'm okay... Infinite... but I don't feel well.

Infinite: (looks at MXR SMG3 and MXR Desti)
How dare you hurt my wife?!
(activates Jackal's Wrath)

Mario: Why did they have to hurt Crystal?!

Meggy: She's our close friend!

(They started to activate Jackal's Wrath too.)

JW Infinite: Awesome! You two got your Jackal's Wrath ready!

JW Meggy: Anything to help a friend out.

JW Mario: Alright, let's do this!

(Mario, Meggy, and Infinite, with their Jackal's Wrath activated and their weapons in their hands, made their way to the Metal Gear to make their attack.)

MXR SMG3: Do your worst, weaklings!

MXR Desti: You can't stop us! We can see where you guys are on this Metal Gear! And if you're thinking of trying the "hitting ourselves" strategy, we're immune to our own attacks.

MXR SMG3: You're dealing with some strong metal and bolts here! Get ready to hurt a lot.

(The three heroes began to attack the Metal Gear, but it's only causing a few dents. Even their weapons, including Meggy's Blade of Decimation, only caused some damage, but not enough to hurt it.)

MXR Desti: See?! You can't do any damage to this thing!

JW Infinite: Damn. This Metal Gear is too strong.

(The Metal Gear grabbed the three heroes and was about to shoot them with its gun.)

MXR SMG3: Who can stop us now?!

(Suddenly, another Metal Gear came in, and it was controlled by SMG3 and Desti.)

SMG3: I'll tell you. It's yourselves with another Metal Gear!

Desti: Leave our friends alone!

MXR Desti: Friends?! What the hell?! This isn't us at all!

MXR SMG3: I thought we hate them!

SMG3: We used to, but now we've changed, and we joined the good guys.

MXR Desti: That's impossible!

Desti: It's all because of one person named Doc. He was so friendly to us, and that was when we changed.

MXR SMG3: Boring. Can we fight already?

SMG3: You're the boring ones!
(controls their Metal Gear to start fighting the other one)

MXR Desti: It's on!

(MXR SMG3 and MXR Desti's Metal Gear dropped Mario, Meggy, and Infinite, who ran away so they can watch the fight. The Metal Gear got ready to fight SMG3 and Desti's Metal Gear. SMG3 and Desti were smarter than their counterparts, so they had a little bit of an advantage. Both Metal Gears were just as strong and indestructible, and it made this fight last for a long time.)

Mario: This is awesome!
(starts eating popcorn with the others)

10 minutes later...

Desti: Give up yet?


SMG3: Well, are you expecting... this to happen?
(controls the Metal Gear to pick up the other one and start spinning it around)


MXR SMG3: I think I'm gonna be sick.

(The Metal Gear let go of the other one and launched it, along with MXR SMG3 and MXR Desti, away.)

MXR SMG3 and MXR Desti: (screaming)

Desti: Good riddance!

SMG3: Alright!

(Mario, Meggy, Infinite, and Crystalonetta cheered for them winning.)

Desti: Thank you, thank you.

SMG3: Our work here is done.
(starts to run away with Desti in the Metal Gear while waving goodbye)

Mario: You know... them changing to good guys is for the best.

Meggy: Indeed. I'm glad they're on our side.

Infinite: Me too.
(starts to carry Crystalonetta and run back to the castle)
See ya, Mario and Meggy!

Mario and Meggy: Bye, Infinite and Crystal!
(starts walking home)

Mario: Man, I'm exhausted.

Meggy: Me too. That was quite a fight. I gotta say something to the readers.

Mario: Go on ahead.
(walks out the room)

Meggy: Well, everyone. Thank you all again for getting me to 600 questions. You're all so grateful. I'm surprised that we even got this far. I'm so proud of all of you. Let's hope we get to question 700. I'm counting on you.

Mario: Hey, Meggy. We need a bit of a rest. You wanna go to the beach tomorrow?

Meggy: Sure, Mario. I would love that.

Mario: Okie dokie.

Meggy: Once I arrive back, I'll go back to answering your questions. I hope you all understand how tired I am. See you later, everyone!

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now