Question 690

161 4 18

Meggy: N-no

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Meggy: N-no... nonononono...!

Mario: I thought we would never experience a horrible evil disguising as one of our friends trying to kill us again!

Meggy: Me too. I'm scared...!


(Aria came in and saw ReaderFromWR looking evil.)

Aria: Reader... n-no...

Infinite: Aria, Mephiles got inside Reader and possessed him, and now Mario and Meggy are scared again. (walks over to Mario and Meggy) Please... don't cry, Mario and Meggy. I'll take care of this fake Reader.

Hooked: WAIT!

(They all turned around to see Hooked, with Ferren right behind him.)

Hooked: Ferren! Take care of "Reader" for us, okay?

Ferren: With pleasure. (walks over to ReaderFromWR, grabs his body hard, and pulls Mephiles' soul out of him and eats it)

Infinite: Wow... awesome!

Aria: Thanks, Ferren!

Ferren: Anytime! (walks away)

ReaderFromWR: (wakes up) Wh-where am I?

Aria: Reader! (kisses him) I was so worried about you!

ReaderFromWR: I-I'm... I'm so confused. What happened?

Infinite: Mephiles' soul went inside your body and possessed you. He was trying to kill Mario and Meggy inside your body. It's all over now.

ReaderFromWR: Oh my god... I can't believe that happened to me.

Aria: Me too. (hugs ReaderFromWR as tight as she can and walks away with him to make him feel better)

Infinite: Well, I'm glad everything is all patched u- (looks at Mario and Meggy still in tears)

Mario: W-why is everybody... even our closest friends... trying to kill us these past few days?

Meggy: I don't know... but I'm so scared that we might... die.

(Mario and Meggy started to cry softly, as Infinite walked over to Mario and Meggy and hugged them to try to cheer them up.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now